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to have an absolute and controlling influence over


"The full extent of what the Red Room— what Hydra could do. It was unknown to me. It only kept growing."


"Sir may I have a word with you?"


"I'm having dinner with my wife," James told him as politely as possible. Natalia wasn't the only one that felt the deep seated intensity from the man. "Can this wait?"

Even though there was no reason for him to be, the man seemed almost sinister. The man shook his head in protest. "Trust me, Sir. I want to give you some information you absolutely can't refuse," he said, not being able to hold back a sick, twisted smile.

Natalia could see that the man was heavily armed. It was all concealed, but it was there. "Sir, the way you are armed is frankly—disturbing to me. I'm only going to ask you once more to leave us alone. Please."

The man was obviously surprised James had seen his weapons. They were hidden almost as well as James and Natalia's. <Longing,> he said, giving up with the small talk.

"Who are you?" James asked, standing up. The man didn't answer. <Who are you!>

<Rusted,> he came again.

"What the hell?" Natalia muttered to herself. James looked to her in confusion.

"I've got Deja-Vu," he said, looking around the room, wildly bewildered.


"He's Russian," Natalia reminded. The fear in her was rising. This situation wasn't as it seemed. He must have something to do with them that was under the surface. "There's something wrong."


"I know," James agreed, reaching over and discretely placing the necklace in her pocket.


Bucky grabbed the man threateningly by the shoulder, squeezing it in order to scare. <What are you doing?>

Even though he was quite obviously in pain, the babbler only continued. <Nine.>

"Something is wrong," Natalia repeated. She was scared now. And so was James. She could feel it.


"I know. I-I don't feel right," he said, grabbing his head. "My head. It feels numb."


" he a witch?" Natalia asked. "Shoot him!"


"I can't do that here," James countered. "But something is wrong with him— and me." He let go of his head and stumbled into Natalia's arms for support. He took one last, longing look into her eyes and said one word she will never forget.


<Freight car.>

And it was then that Natalia saw the most horrific thing she would ever witness. She saw a man's soul evacuate his own living body without a trace and be replaced by the Devil himself. His hands became stiff and cold, yet giving enough to fall from hers to his side. His brilliant blue eyes lost their shine and his focus became sharp, yet clouded. The James that was once in there was gone.

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