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someone who hides pain behind a smile


"Even though they were few in number and didn't last for very long, the few happy times I experienced with James are the ones I hold very close to my heart."


This night, they didn't sleep, they did their best to get out of Belarus and on into Warsaw, the Capital of Poland. It was dark now, on the next night.

They even used competition to motivate and keep themselves entertained. Who could find the most signs? (Natalia usually won.) Who could jump high enough to touch the chosen tree branch? (James always won.)

But now, it was about to become even more brutal. Natalia gave James a michevious sidelook. •We've hit the 5 mile mark,• she said.

James looked back at her with the same look. And they took off. Natalia knew James had a shoe in. He could maintain the speed of a car for 10 miles. So Natalia did the only thing she could do.

She played dirty. She caught up to him long enough to kick him in the shins and get as much distance as she could get, but he eventually caught up and passed her. She shot him in the neck with a taser and had the lead until James could recover and catch up. It was like that back and forth until they were in a the last 800 meters. James was now far in the lead. But Natalia wouldn't have that. They were now in a full sprint, outfits drenched in sweat, muscles about to give out.

Natalia shot him in the back of the knee causing James to fall to the ground. He pulled the bullet out and began to sprint through the pain, taking out his gun and shooting Natalia in the Achilles, sending her to the ground. She wasn't running after that. And in an extreme limp, he passes the city limits, Natalia grabbing at his heels.

They were both overtaken in a fit of laughter, Natalia pulling him to the ground with her. •You son of a bitch!• she laughed, now speaking polish. •You shot me in my Achilles!•

•Well, you shot me in the kneepit!• he clapped back, still laughing uncontrollably. •And you tased me. And hit me in the shins! All I did was run faster and shoot you once in order to claim my rightful position as winner!•

Natalia finally stopped herself from laughing. •I think I earned that victory,• she said.

•Did not, you cheater!• James, who had also stopped laughing, said.

•I earned it by cheating!• she countered.

•I won anyway.•

But an Achilles is hard to heal!• Natalia whined, grabbing her heal. •And we're going to attract attention! We cannot go around shooting each other.•

•You did start it.•

She grinned guiltily and stood up, holding her arm out to help him up.

James nodded, taking her hand. •Let's go find a motel. We'll patch up these GSW's and sleep.•

•Good idea,• Natalia agreed. They walked into the the town doing their best to stray away from any groups of people.

They found a cheap motel in the downtown area of Warsaw. Not having slept this night or the one before, they were pretty tired. They showered and washed their clothes, the usual. They cleaned, put together, and wrapped up their injuries and slept soundly through the rest of the night and a good portion of the morning.

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