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very dark, gloomy


"My first kills were not regretted for a long time. And honestly, at the time, my turn for taking my first life had been delayed for far too long. I wish every day I could go back and give myself courage to escape earlier."


James and Natalia arrived back in Moscow on the twenty-seventh of December, the happiest they had ever remembered themselves to be. Their mission was a complete success and they never even had to worry.

But now they were back and had to maintain the act that they were completely indifferent of each other. And if James wasn't who he is and if Natalia wasn't well on her way to being at his level, it would be nearly impossible.

But they know they would succeed. They would succeed for each other.

Madame B called Natalia to her office alone and required her to tell the mission from memory, step by step. Natalia obliged, leaving out all the questionable moments with James and how Agent Carter and Mr. Stark seemed to be extremely uneasy around James.

"Good job, Agent Romanova. I will speak to the Soldier later to be fully debriefed on your actions," Madame B informed her before she let her return to the locker room to change into her training uniform and join the girls.

And coming into the training room, she could see that there were only ten girls. And they were lined up in position for two girls to face off. Usually no girl would die—until Madame B arrived. Not yet has Natalia been chosen to fight.

She figured it had something to do with James being the one who chose the two who sparred. At first, he never had a problem with killing someone, but as the months went on, it was almost too obvious that he didn't want to see any be killed. And he certainly didn't want the woman he loved to have to do something like that.

Natalia never had a problem with killing anyone. But she supposed it was the way she was raised—to be a killer. But everyday, James unknowingly showed her another reason why what they did was so vile.

But when she looked up to see who was standing aside to the ring, she did see James—standing behind the villainous Madame B.

"Natalia and Darya," she ordered dryly. Natalia gave James a sad look as she crawled into the ropes and onto the padded floor. He returned it with a look of sympathy and sadness, but followed it by mouthing, "destroy her".

She was both taken back and amused by his response. But nevertheless, it fired her up. She rolled her head around and got loose, hopping on her toes, waiting for Darya to make the first move. It was her weakness.

Darya was a tall girl with short, black hair and plump lips. She got through the program with only her strength. She was not very smart.

And therefore, very stupidly, she ran at her, taking no defensive measures, so Natalia jumped up, wrapping her legs around her and wrenching Darya to the ground, earning some gasps from the 8 girls. She now had her in a headlock and looked to Madame B for the words.

"Do it," she ordered Natalia. And before you could begin counting, Darya was dead and Natalia was on her feet.

She clasped her hands together and looked proudly upon Natalia. They held eye contact as two men entered and removed the body. Madame B seeming like she was trying to break her down. Natalia held her head high and sent her a smirk—which she immediately regretted. sha had spent too much free-lanced time with James.

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