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a dreamer


"James always seemed to subconsciously know more than me. More than he thought he knew. Some of the most random things whether it be Christmas or someone who had been killed. I was confused at the time, not fully understand him."


Natalia was now in her new stealth suit— a skin tight, black one piece that covered every part of her body besides her hands, head and feet. It possessed all sorts of weapon holders with a handy gear belt around her waist. It was actually very stylish.

She stood next to James who was in his just-as-stylish suit that had even more weapon holsters and bigger belt. But Natalia's favorite part about it was that his left arm was sleeveless. There was full view on his mesmerizing metal prosthetic.

They were fully equipped for their mission, however they were yet to know what it was. They stood in front of Colonel Luchov's desk in Moscow just down the road from the Bolshoi theatre.

<First mission: Assassination,> the Colonel said, a placing file on his desk and sliding it towards them.

Without hesitation, the Winter Soldier picked up the folder and began flipping through it.

<American spy,> he said with a smirk, continuing to flip through the files.

<Your car is outside,> Luchov said, standing up. <Good luck Soldier, Agent Romanova.>

They nodded in response and left to get into the car.

"Agent Grant Harding. Staged as a Soviet citizen in the inner workings of Hydra. Fake name is Al Solohov," James said after they had sat down in the car. "Here. Take a look."

He handed her the file and removed a pack from his belt. He ran his fingers over the tips of the bullets, counting the extra rounds for the sniper rifle he was carrying.

"Easy target," Natalia said, scanning the files. James removed the rifle from the holster under his arm. "He eats lunch everyday at this diner here," she said motioning to the diner mentioned on the page. "We can just take him to a secluded area and dispose of him there."

"Not so easy," he corrected, taking the magazine out of the rifle. "Turn the page."

Natalia did just that. "He knows Captain America is alive. He knows where he is. How does that make it any harder?"

"Well, it makes the mission that more important. Turn the page again."

She turned the page and realized what he meant. "He's on Howard Starks personal private plane one-way to New York," she said aloud.

"The only man who can come up with the tech to fish the frozen Captain out. Only man that would be so adamant about getting him out."

"Your right. This isn't so easy," Natalia said with a smirk.

"We cannot fail this," he stressed seriously; a rival to Natalia's slight joking matter. "Captain America is our only rival in military strength and knowledge. With him, Hydra is finished. So is Russia. Agent Harding's death is crucial."

The car pulled to a stop at a flight station.

"This should be fun," Natalia said with a smirk as he got out of the car. James followed smoothly behind.

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