• Chapter 4 •

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~ Selena ~

Monday ~

I rolled out of bed crawling to my dresser. I picked my Outfit and got in the shower. Once i finished i did my hair and walked downstairs grabbing my backpack.

I made it at school and immediately stopped at a sign. Homecoming! And the theme is Masquerade. I smiled to myself and continued walking to my locker. Homecoming is something iv'e been waiting for, and it's Masquerade? Sounds fun. I made it to my locker and grabbed my stuff.

"Hey Selena." Madison said leaning on the lockers.

"Hey" I responded.

"Did you see the signs?" He asked looking over at a big poster.

"Sure did" i smiled

"maybe you should be homecoming queen." He recommended.

"You're kidding right? We both know Cheyanne is most likely running for it already." I said shaking my head.

"Come on. It can't be that bad. Something to remember right?"

I sighed and thought about it.. He's right. I mean Cheyanne wouldn't mind right?

~ Cheyanne ~

"Put that right there." I said pointing at a spot to put the sign.

Friday has to be amazing. Because i'm going to win of coarse. I smiled at what we had so far.

"Okay, guys that's a wrap for today. It's time for class" i clapped and shouted for everyone to hear.

They stopped what they were doing and went to class.

"Cheyanne, I was looking at dresses and this one is the most popular!!" Gabby said showing me on her tablet.

"Ew gross. What website are you looking on? I don't like green. Try harder." I said disgusted just looking at the hideous dress.

My dress has to be PERFECT. I grabbed my bag and walked to my first class. I took my seat and didn't see Nick beside me. I looked at the door waiting for him to walk in but he didn't and class has been going on for 10 minutes already. I guess he's not coming today? I looked to the back of the room and saw Madison Flirting with Selena. He really likes this chick. But to bad she don't like him. I know these things.

"Cheyanne! Is something back there bothering you?" The teacher asked.

I quickly turned my head to the front and shook my head. "No"

~ Selena ~

"Cheyanne! Is something back there bothering you?" The teacher said.

i looked at Cheyanne who shook her head. I smiled and looked at Madison.

"i think someones gots a crush on you." I laughed.

"Who?" He asked lost.

"miss thang over there"

"what? How do you know?"

"I don't.. but She seems to be looking back here a lot."

He looked at Cheyanne and shook his head. "Nahh"

"whatever you say," i smirked "but if ya'll end up together... Just remember."

He laughed "Damn you from the country ? 'Ya'll' "

i gasped "shuttup!" I said laughing and playfully punched him.

"Shh, we're gonna get in trouble ya'll" he laughed.

I giggled and shook my head.

Class ended and my other classes went by pretty fast since Madison wasn't in my other classes besides 1st and last. I walked to my locker and put my stuff away so i can go to lunch free handed.

"Cheyanne, How about- sorry ugh." That same nerdy girl said. Calling me Cheyanne .

"Why do you keep mistaking me for her?" I asked.

"Well... I don't know , You guys look alike sorta." She said.

"Not even."

"Anyways, You're pretty. And you seem like competition. You should run for homecoming queen" she smiled

"why me? Cheyanne hates me." I said shaking my head.

"exactly,Competition. It's pretty weird how you guys look alike though.." She said looking at me "i should get going. Bye nice meeting you." She said and left.

I look nothing like her..

~ Cheyanne ~

"Where's Nick?" Mikey asked

"who knows." I sighed.

"are you and him arguing or something?"

"No.. I just- i don't know."

I took a sip of my water and saw Gabby walking toward us.

"Hey um. I found a beautiful Dress." She said showing me the tablet.

It was beautiful. And Perf. I smiled and looked at Gabby.

"I love it. Thanks."

She looked at me weirdly but smiled and nodded.

"Iv'e seriously never heard you say thanks before." Mikey said.

i rolled my eyes "shush.. You still doing that thing with Selena?" I asked.

"oh, almost forgot. I'll text her later." He said taking a bite of his sandwich.

Lunch ended and i had to finish decorating. I walked to the papers that had everyone who wanted to run for homecoming queen. Nobody else better be running for it.

i looked over the paper seeing 2 boys then looked at the girls..

I really wanted to Throw a hammer at this girls face.



here you go(:


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