• Chapter 22 •

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~ Cheyanne ~

"Cheyanne!!" My mom yelled pounding on my door for the 10th time.

Iv'e been in my room the entire day. Crying. It's pretty funny. I feel like i'm the one hurting the most of all people. It's all guilt, i wish i could take it back, but the thing about death is you can't and it sucks.

"Cheyanne please open the door." My mom pleaded.

I got up wiping away my tears, i opened the door and my mom frowned.

"What's wrong sweetie?"

"Don't try being nice to me now, you were being a bitch yesterday and this morning!" I snapped, but instantly regretted it. "I'm sorry"

I say to much things out of anger. That's what got me in this. All this fucking anger inside me.

"It's fine, i just want to know what's going on.."

"She killed herself mom." The tears fell from eyes for the twentieth time, she pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back soothingly.

"I'm sorry,"

I shook my head. She shouldn't say that. This is all my fault. I'm the one that's sorry.

"Cheyanne, You need to go to that funeral when they have one, let her know that you're sorry okay?"

I nodded and she pulled away.

"Stop crying." She frowned.

"I-i can't.." I sniffled.

"Want something to drink?" She asked and i shook my head.

"I'm going to just go to sleep."

"Alright, if you need anything i'm downstairs." She slightly smiled and closed my door. I crawled back into bed looking at my phone, it's barely 7. I put my phone under my pillow and closed my eyes.

~ Selena ~

"Do you think she Cares?" I ask Mikey as we lay eating chocolate chip cookies on my bed, watching an episode of spongebob.

"Who?" He looked at me.


He sighed "She might act like a," he paused "Bitch, but i'm sure she is as beat up about this like you guys."

"Why is that so hard to believe?" I groan.

"Because you guys hate each other." He reminds me.

"How do you put up with her?" I ask.

"Used to it." He shrugs, sometimes i think Mikey still loves her and it kind of hurts to think that. He probably seen a different side of her that i haven't. Why am i being so judgemental? I'm not the type to judge someone, but she just triggers this thing in my head that wants to make me say things aloud that shouldn't be said. I sigh looking at Mikey, taking in his beautiful features. Is it bad how quickly i forgive him after everything? Or is it that maybe i do actually love him? I think if i didn't i would have been long gone. Right?

"What?" He smiled looking at me.

"Oh, nothing." I quickly turned my head, my cheeks flushing.

He chuckled wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me toward him.

"Guess what." He whispered in my ear.

"Hmmm" i hummed.

"I love you." He kissed my jaw as i intertwined our fingers smiling at him.

"I'm sorry, about everything. Everything about us, everything between you and-"

I pecked his lips shutting him up "I love you to," i whispered as our lips connected. The words felt like they weren't used properly, or they weren't meant to be said yet, but i let it go wrapping my arms around his neck, he sat up gripping my thighs putting them around his waist. I let everything slip from my mind, it was only him. His tongue slid across my bottom lip begging for an entrance, i gave in granting his wishes.

His phone buzzed, but he didn't answer it.

It buzzed again and he groaned in annoyance pulling it out of his pocket, pulling away and checking it. He looked at the screen for a while probably contemplating whether to reply or not.

"Who is it?" I asked getting curious.

"Um, my mom.. I gotta go." He said and i got off of him. "Uh see you at school tomorrow." He smiled leaving.

Okay? That was weird.

~ Cheyanne ~

I wait for Mikey to come, i really just need someone to talk to. I need someone to tell me, that it wasn't my fault.. That it will be okay.. My mom couldn't do that because, well, she's my mom. Then again.. It is my fault. I couldn't keep my mouth shut, i couldn't give up, i just had to win. Good job Cheyanne. Now i have to live with this. Someone died. Because of my hurtful words. I hear a knock at the door before they enter.

"Hey," He says softly.


"What's up?" He asks sitting beside me.

"You already know" I sigh "I made her kill herself Mikey," The tears filled my eyes again. "I didn't- i didn't know anything about her, and i said those words. Why couldn't i just say shuttup or something? It had to be those words that came out. I-i am a terrible person." I cried and Mikey wrapped his arms around me comforting me.

"It's not your fault, you didn't know." He soothes me.

I nod crying into his chest. I needed someone to say that, but i can't seem to accept it.


Sorry about the long waitt,

my mind was kinda blank.

lol buut here yaa go.

And i know it's short //: i'll try and make the next chapters long. ((:

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