• Chapter 9 •

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~ Cheyanne ~

I grunted at the sound of my alarm clock and pushed the button. I got up from my bed and walked to the bathroom i turned on the shower and sripped my clothes off hopping in. I did my buisness and got out wrapping my towel around my body. I picked out my Outfit and put on make-up. I grabbed my bag and drove to school.

When i got there Gabby walked up to me.

"Hey so since your birthday is in like 28 days i came up with ideas for your invatations." She said taking out a binder.

"Really? How many ideas?" I asked paying attention.

"Just 3." She smiled "okay since your birthday is like a day before halloween i was thinking like something scary... This one is a black cat invatation." She said showing me the card with cat eyes and my name across the bottom.

"I like it.. Maybe."

"Okay and this one is a long ways with a kind of creepy looking tree" she said taking out another one. It had a swing on a branch and fog around the tree. I smiled and nodded.

"Last one?"

"And just in case you just wanted normal invatations i have this one with a picture of you" she said and took the last one out. It was me on my last party. The picture was black and white and my name was at the top.

"I like all three.. Hmm maybe you can combine all?"

"I'll try" she smiled and left as the bell rang.

I walked in class and sat at my seat.

"Who's ready for group activities?" The teacher asked.

Everyone whined 'nooo'

"well to bad. In your group of four you will be making something you all have in common. And this is difficult because there is four of you. Now i'm going to choose partners." The teacher said.

I rolled my eyes as i heard Him start calling names.

"Madison, Vinny,"

"yess!" Vinny said loudly. And the teacher stopped he apoligized and the teacher continued.

"Madison, Vinny, Gabby and Hannah. Group 1."

"Emily, Jordan, Heather and Daniel. Group 2."

"Selena, Nick, Cheyanne and Mikey. Group 3."

GREAT. Just Perfect. He finished calling names and told us to move our desks in groups. I groaned as my 'Partners' Pulled there desks towards me.

"Can i PLEASE , Get New partners" i asked. He automatically said no.

"Okay well can we get this over with." I said annoyed.

"Yes, after you stop whining." Nick rolled his eyes.

I looked over at Selena who was looking down smiling like an idiot.

"Selena seriously No texting." I glared and she quickly looked up. "Mikey you to!"

"Sorry" he laughed.

~ Selena ~

"What do we have in common?" Nick asked.

"Hair." Mikey joked and i laughed.

Cheyanne just glared at him. We are making no progress. I felt my phone vibrate revealing another text from Mikey. I smiled.

Mikey <3 : (;

me : Shh, Cheyanne's gonna yell at us :P

"Selena who are you texting that's so important?" Cheyanne asked

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