• Chapter 19 •

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~ Selena ~

I convinced my dad to let me go to the mall and get Nick a present. It's my third day not going to school. Nick came over yesturday also. He's honestly the most funniest, fun person ever. He's coming over later at 3 but before he does i'm going to get his present. I walk to the mall which only took like 10 minutes to get there. I really need a car. How does Cheyanne get a car? She could go Crazy any second and get in a car crash or something.. I shake my head from thinking negative and think about what to give Nick. His list is not helpful at all. I'm thinking about going to Toys R Us and getting him a stuffed pet turtle.. I mean i wasn't going to buy him an actual turtle.. Why am i taking this so seriously? He's not my boyfriend nor my friend? Well i think he's my friend. I don't think so, he's with Cheyanne, which i have absolutely no idea why. He's to good for her or maybe Nick is as bad as her? Ugh. I need to stop thinking.

After 20 minutes of looking around i find something simple and hurried home before Nick got there. I put the present in my closet and before i could do anything else i hear the doorbell. I skip to the front door and open it, Nick obviously getting more used coming over comes inside and plops on the couch. No hi?

"What's wrong?" I ask sitting on the couch also.

"Cheyanne." He rolls his eyes.

"Want to talk about it?"

"No, actually i need some icecream" he smiles.

"Will do" i laugh and go into the kitchen to get a tub of cookies and cream ice cream which is half way gone. I really like oreos. I grab two spoons and go back in the living room and find Nick flipping through channels. I sit back on the couch opening the tub and taking a spoon full.

"What's with the oreos?" He chuckles.

"They are my addiction"

"I see" he says stopping on the music channel. The song 'Little Things by One Direction'plays. Never heard of it but seems like Nick has.

"You like One Direction?" I ask

"Mhm" he hums.

"Who's the curly haired one? He's cute" i say staring at his smile on the screen.

"Harry Styles, he's mine back off." He smirks

"We'll see about that." I challenge running to the T.V.

"What are you doing?" He laughs

"I'm going to kiss him, duh."

Before i even touch the screen Nick tackles me and i laugh.

"You are not!" He chuckles.

I wiggle under him and don't succeed in escaping.

"Fine" i frown playfully.

"Maybe if you sing me some lyrics.." He smirks

"I don't even know the song" i giggle

"I know you never loved the sound of your voice on tape you never want to know how much you ate. you still love to squeeze into your jeans, but you're perfect to me." He sang and i just watched. His voice is lovely. I didn't realize i was staring until the song had changed.

"I love your voice" i blurt and my face flushes.

He smiles before getting off of me "i- was just- i-" he stutters laughing quietly to himself. He's so adorable.

"Singing." I say sitting up.

"No. I was talking the lyrics."

"Whatever you say" i laugh.

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