• Chapter 25 •

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~ Selena ~

It was finally friday. The past few days being the same. Nick and I making jokes in class, Cheyanne making me mad, Mikey being out of sight and out of mind but we end up being with each other after school, Madison finally trying to recover. The week has been rough, thank goodness it's friday.

But we still had something important to do.

Present our project before thanksgiving break.

I hate speaking in front of people.

I straighten my hair after blowing drying it. My outfit being dark blue skinny jeans and a white sweater thats says Hollister on the front.

I grabbed my backpack before heading to school.

It's been getting colder everyday. That's another reason that makes me miss Vegas. It was always hot there and yes i hated it, but it's cold here making me want to go to Vegas even though it's way to hot. I hate when i do that, when it's cold I want it to be hot. When it's hot I want it to be cold. That's just me though, i'm never pleased with the weather.

I realised i was at school, frowning. I made it to my locker taking out my folder. I opened it taking my essay out.

I'm nervous.. So nervous..

I jumped when i felt a hand land on my shoulder, i turned to see Nick smiling at me.


"You scared me." I glared at him.

He chuckled "I'm sensing nervousness."

"Me? Nervous? You're hilarious!" I laughed playfully socking him in the shoulder.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, maybe just a little bit." I confessed.

"Don't worry, i'll do good." He smirked putting his arm around my shoulder.

"What?" I frowned as the bell rang.

"I'm kidding, you'll do good. Just imagine i'm the only one in the room okay?"

I nodded "Okay."

We walked toward our first class, every step closer i got more nervous.

"Relax." Nick chuckled.

We walked in the classroom, sitting by each other. Everyone got used to sitting by each other for this project thing. It's a good thing i sit in the back. I hate being in the front. You always get called on because your in there vision. I remember getting in trouble because i was talking and my teacher sent me to the front. She kept calling on me after that...

Goodness i need to stop being so nervous!

"Lets get this started." The teacher said.

Yeah lets get right to it!

Sarcasm by the way. I started biting on my nails waiting for her to call the first people.

"Hannah and Jake." She called and they walked in the front of the class with there essays in there hand.

Wow Hannah looks pretty confident.. Can i be confident like her? She's also pretty. I bet her and Jake like each other.. They spent time together working on this project, i'm sure they've grown feelings for one another.

I like her style, white high waisted shorts with a red crop top. She reminds me of a hipster, i consider myself a hipster.. Just a lil. Maybe. I don't know-

"Nick and Selena." The teacher called breaking me out of my mind.

My eyes widened. I didn't realize they were done.. I slowly got up bringing my paper with me. Everyones eyes were on us. I wish i could hide right now. I honestly hate school projects. Iv'e never been very fond of them. Even with our first project, i barely said anything but stand behind Mikey letting them talk.

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