• Chapter 30 •

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~ Selena ~

Thanksgiving break goes by quickly, thanksgiving day being tomorrow. I've been hanging out with Nick mostly. We've been going to the park or just hanging out at each others house. We haven't brought up the kiss and i can honestly say we're like best friends, Him and I hang out more than Madison. But, with Nick i honestly think i could catch feelings. It would be karma if he didn't catch any back.

I haven't heard from Madison, he doesn't text no more. If he was my friend, i'd expect him too. It's like after that whole Cheyanne speech, he closed everyone off.

Mikey's visiting family in new york, that being the reason we haven't hung out. Before he left we did, we went to the movies to watch The Giver, which was a pretty good movie by the way. Then he told me he was leaving for the rest of thanksgiving break. We text all the time though and i can finally say i love him. He cares about me, i can see it. Him and Cheyanne aren't that way anymore. When thanksgiving break ends, i'm going to tell her i give up. That i won't tolerate her anymore. I'm done with the "trying to break each other" bet. She thinks by being around Mikey, i'm slowly breaking. I believe he has figured out that Cheyanne was just using him.

"Hmmm." I hum looking at the different size turkeys.

"We have a medium sized family, choose a normal sized one." My dad suggests. We were shopping for food for tomorrow. We plan on making the turkey and mashed potatoes.

"We should get a big one for everyone to bring a plate home."

"Nice thinking." He smiles. I nod grabbing the biggest one, almost dropping it but my dad saves me. "Careful there." He tells me taking it from my arms. "Come on we're ready to pay."

We walk to the long lines full of people buying late thanksgiving things also. I tap my foot impatiently waiting for this line to go by faster. We should have done this like yesterday. I look around finding that the other lines are the same. My eyes stop at tall figure, his blondish brownish hair looks messy.

"Dad, i'll be right back."

I say my excuse me's to some people until i get to the second to last line.


He turns around surprised "Selena." He slightly smiles, i give him a small hug frowning

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"What? Yeah? Why do you ask?"

"Well, you don't text me no more. I haven't seen you this whole break."

He sighs "I've just been staying inside all day, my cousins are visiting."

"Oh, that's nice."


Why is this so god damn awkward? It's either he's lying or we're awkward people. I'll go with awkward people for his sake. "I'll see you." I say walking quickly back to where my dad is.

~ Cheyanne ~

"What kind of pie do people like?" I mumble scanning the table.

Being in the house all day wasn't making me feel any better, so i decided to get pie for thanksgiving.

After having a mental argument on what people would like i chose pumpkin pie. I mean i like it, if no one does then more for me.

Walking to the long lines of madness, I try to find the shortest one. I don't have time to be standing around, I have shows to watch.

I choose a line towards the end tapping my foot impatiently. Why do people shop the day before? Human beings are so stupid sometime. Like me, I'm not a human being i'm Cheyanne and i'm pretty fucking awesome if you ask me.

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