• Chapter 14 •

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1 week later

~ Selena ~

I haven't talked to Mikey since what happened at school. Yes, he tried apologizing multiple times. Iv'e just been ignoring him.

"Guess what i am?" Madison said popping out the bathroom.

"Superman?" I laughed

"Yeah, what? Do i look dumb?" He asked

"Well yeah, but it's A Costume party who cares."

"Where's your costume?" He asked sitting on my bed

"I'm not going" i said taking a bite of my pudding


"You know who is gonna be there"

"Who cares, come on you guys need to work things out anyways and plus this party is going to be fun"

I looked and sighed "fine" i said getting up grabbing an old white dress.

"That's not a costume Selena" Madison said

"Shuttup , i can make it into one" i smiled

About half an hour later i finished my costume.

"When does this party start?" I said going to my bathroom Changing and then coming back out.

"In 10 minutes" he said then looked up at me from his phone "damn, your actually not that bad"

"I know, now lets go" i said grabbing my purse.

~ Cheyanne ~

I looked at my costume before walking downstairs to meet Mikey.

"Everything set Justin Bieber?" I asked kinda making fun of his costume.

He glared at me "yes."

"Ready for tonight?" I smirked

"Actually i'm not, Selena is going to be here"

I rolled my eyes "Mikey get over her, i already told you.."


"And that's the door." I stopped him as soon as the doorbell rang. "Hey guys come on in" i smiled and cued Mikey to play the Music.

"Happy Birthday Cheyanne!" Was all i heard everytime someone walked in

"Happy Birthday babe"

I smiled and turned around

"Thanks Nick" i said and kissed him

"The Devil eh?" He winked

I laughed and kissed him again.

~ Selena ~

"Kaelynn" Madison shouted as we saw her walking toward the house.

"Oh hey guys" she smiled.

"Ninja? I like it" i said

"I like yours too, okay now come on" she took both our hands and dragged us inside, the music was loud and everyone was dancing.

"I'm going to get a drink, you guys go on dance." I said before walking through the crowded kitchen full of scary costumes.

I grabbed a red cup and poured beer in it.

"That's not good for you" i heard the person i don't really want to see say.

"Oh well" i said gulping it down then tried walking off before he stopped me. "What?"

"Can we talk?" He asked

"Talk about what Mikey?!?"

"Come on? Please?" He said reaching out his hand for me to take it

I sighed and grabbed his hand.

~ Kaelynn ~

I was dancing and dancing until i felt someone pull me.

"Shit!" I shouted but barely anyone heard me over the loud music.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry!" Cheyanne said

"It's fine, god i have to pee. Where's the bathroom?" I asked.

"Upstairs down the hall to your left" she smiled.

I walked up stairs listening to the directions and found the bathroom. I did my business before walking back out. Then i heard a noise. I looked toward the room it was coming from and heard someone cry. I walked to the room and saw someone on the ground.

"Uh are you okay?" I asked

I touched her shoulder and she looked at me with a scary mask on. I got scared but didn't scream i rushed towards the door then got pushed back by a clown. That's when i screamed. Soon more and more scary things came at me and i jumped on the bed going under the covers crying. My heart was beating fast. I was scared. The light turned on and i slowly crept up from under my covers and found people laughing at me. I should've known.

"Aww poor Kaelynn is scared"

And she's the one behind all this.

"You're a bitch!" Scoffed before leaving tears coming down my face.

I bumped into people making my way out.

~ Madison ~

I saw as Kaelynn walked outside. Somethings wrong. I followed her and found her crying.

"Kaelynn what happened?"

"Cheyanne, cheyanne happened" She said

"Come on lets take you home" i said knowing it was a prank

When we made it to her house she stopped and hugged me.

"Thank you Madison"

"Anytime" i said hugging her back "Listen, Cheyanne. She's.."

"Careless. Bitchy. Winey. yeah she's gonna regret it one day."

"This will blow over soon, don't worry about it ok?"

"We'll see. Thanks again. I'll see you at school." She said before going inside.

~ Selena ~

"I overreacted, and i'm sorry" Mikey said

"You know. If i actually liked Madison as you assume i do , i'd have him in an instant but no. I love- like you Mikey.." I stuttered the last part.

He smiled and put his hand behind my ear "Selena? I love you." he said before kissing me.

i love you to.

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