• Chapter 13 •

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~ Kaelynn ~

I finished getting dressed then walked downstairs grabbing an apple before walking to school. I'm actually surprised i made friends. When i was in Juvie... I didn't have any they were all terrible.

"Kaelynn" someone said as i reached school.

"Oh hey Madison" i smiled Walking inside the school.

"Soo, I don't have to be afraid of you do i?" he joked

"no," i playfully rolled my eyes "it was a friend of mine that got me sent there"

"what happened?"

"My friends thought it would be fun to break in a house.. Not knowing it was a sheriffs" i said

"So you all got caught?"

"Nope only me, they were taking stuff and trust me i didn't take any part in it. Anyways i walked in a room and my 'Friends' shut the door on me thinking it was funny." I stopped. thinking of what they did.

"What happened kaelynn?" He asked again

"They heard someone coming inside and they ran leaving me, they didn't even tell me. Then i heard talking not coming from my friends.. I grabbed something and he opened the door i hit him and ran.... I hit the sheriff.."

"But how'd you get caught if you ran?"

"The sheriff knew it was a teenage person and went to my school to find out who it was and they said me. They said i took everything that was missing, and the proof was in my backyard in a shed we always went in. They framed me." I finished

"i'm sorry"

"it's fine, i'm just happy i don't go there anymore" i smiled.

"hey hey Kaelynn can i talk to you? Alone.." Cheyanne asked nicely.


She dragged me away from Madison then handed me a envelope.

"What's this?" I asked

"it's an apology invitation" she smiled "i'm sorry for how i acted"

i smiled warmly thinking she has a little soft side "thanks i will be sure to go"

"great, see you around"

~ Cheyanne ~

The new girl has no idea what's coming for her. It's actually cute to be honest.

I walked to my locker and grabbed some lame books i needed then the bell rang.

The periods went by fast thankfully and i wasn't so hungry for lunch. I'm honestly just thinking about the plan for my birthday. I grabbed a water and sat down.

I looked around me and i was literally sitting by myself. Great. Now i look like a loner.

I grabbed my phone to seem not so lame then looked at Selena's table, she wasn't sitting there. I scrolled the room and found her and Mikey sitting down, then i looked back over at the table. I don't really like the thought of Kaelynn and Madison. It's not cute... At all.. I rolled my eyes and tried focusing on my phone. But i couldn't...

I had this weird feeling in my stomach. Madison and Kaelynn??!? goodness no.

~ Selena ~

"You should really sit with Cheyanne, she looks lonely." I smiled

"But i wanna sit with you" he said kissing my cheek

I looked at my table and saw my normal peeps. Madison hasn't talked to me all day today?

"You think Madison like Kaelynn?" I asked Mikey

"Probably. He likes everyone" mikey laughed

"He hasn't talked to me all day, do you think he's mad at me?"

"Why would he be mad at you?" He asked

"I don't know."

Mikey let go of me and sighed

"What?" I looked at him


"Obviously something what's wrong?"

"You want to know what's wrong?!" He shouted standing up making everyone look at us. "This"

He marched away to Cheyanne's table, she looked at him and he kissed her... He kissed Cheyanne. Fury hit me.

"What the hell is your problem?" I said walking toward him and slapping him. "Fuck you!" I shouted

"My problem is you like Madison!" He yelled.

What? I looked at Madison then back at Mikey

"You're crazy." I said softly.

"Yeah? Well it sure seems like you do!"

"Mikey stop! I don't like him, he's my best friend and your an asshole for kissing Cheyanne!" I yelled getting angry again

"Stop lying to yourself Selena, why the hell do you care if he is hanging out with Kaelynn and not you?!"

"Fuck off Mikey" i said before leaving the school.

~ Madison ~

What just happened?

Soon after she left Nick not letting this go away Punched Mikey right in the jaw. Ouch.

Then a circle formed and guys were fighting. No one is going to stop this. I walked over to the crowd pushing everyone away.

"Okay guys stop!" I shouted pushing them apart. "Mikey you need to fix things bro"

He felt his bleeding lip and walked away. I need to talk to Selena.

I walked over to her house and knocked like 50 times before she answered.

"What?" She said quickly whiping away her tears when she saw me.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Perfect." She said sarcastically then started crying

I hugged her and closed the door.


Thereee yaaaa goooooo cx

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