2. I'm your substitute teacher

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You woke up very early this morning. You needed to get to the academy for your first day. The ninja that came and saw you last night didn't give you a time to be there so you thought showing up early would be a good first impression. I got up and had a shower, then got changed into my ninja outfit. I might change my outfit while I'm here but for now I'll just wear my usual one. A knock at the door startled you. You went to the door and saw that it was Naruto. "Good morning Naruto, what can I do for you?", you ask. "I was wondering if I could have breakfast with you", he says blushing a little. "Sure thing buddy, but I uh don't have any food...", I trail off. "That's Ok, you can have some of mine". "I don't want to eat your food, its for you not for me". "But I want to share some with you and you said that you don't have any food". I sigh and then ruffle his hair. "Ok fine, bring some over". Naruto disappears into his apartment and comes out seconds later with a cup ramen in each hand.

He sits down at my table and begins preparing it for us, so I boil the kettle. Once the water was boiled Naruto poured it into each of the cups. While we waited for it to cook I decided to get to know him better. "So do you eat anything besides ramen?", I ask. He shakes his head. "No, I was never taught how to cook so I just eat ramen". "Well you can come over when ever you want, I used to cook a lot at home so I'm pretty good at it". "Really?!". "Yeah sure". He gives me a huge smile and then hands me some chop sticks. We both seperate then and then begin eating our ramen.

Once Naruto and I had finished eating he hung around for a bit. There was a knock on the door so I answered it and saw that it was Izumo and Kotetsu. "Oh hey guys", I say. "Good morning, are you ready for us to take you?", they ask. I happily nod and then look back at Naruto who is sitting on my couch. "Sorry Naruto I have to go". "Ok see you later", he says, walking out of my apartment. The two men raise an eyebrow at me. "Do you know who that kid is?", Izumo asks as if it was obvious. "Uh yeah I met him last night, he is such a sweet boy, its such a shame that everyone treats him like an outsider". "Uh well lets go", Kotetsu says breaking the silence. I nod and lock my apartment, following the two ninja to the academy.

Once we arrived I noticed that it was really empty. It was quite early so no one had shown up yet. Kotetsu and Izumo led me down a corridor and to a woman who sat behind a desk. Izumo grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to her. "How may I help you?", she asks me. "Oh I'm supposed to be a substituting a class today". "Oh you must be (Y/n), please fill out these forms so that we can document you", she says handing me a stack of papers. I turn to Izumo and Kotetsu and bow. "Thank you for bringing me here", I say. They both smile at me and then teleport away. I sigh and sit at a table, beginning to do all of the paper work.

It honestly took an hour to do it all. When I was finished I handed all of the stuff back to the woman and she gave me a small smile. "Thank you, your class should be waiting for you in room (random number), your relief work should be on the desk, but please be careful I hear that that class can be a handful", she warns. I thank her and then walk to the class. I stand outside the door and take a deep breath before walking in. I could already hear the kids talking about me. "Who's that lady?". "Do you think she's our teacher today?". "Wow she is so pretty". I stand in front of the class and give them all a big smile. "Hello everyone my name is (Y/n) (L/n) and I will be your substitute teacher today, you can all call me (Y/n)-sensei". I look up and see a variety of different kids. There was a fat boy sitting next to a boy with pineapple hair. In the back corner was a boy with black duckbutt hair and a bunch of girls surrounding him. A boy with a dog, a boy with glasses and a high collar, a girl with big lavender eyes and a girl with pink hair to name a few. "Where's Iruka-sensei?", the pineapple head asks. "I'm not sure, he might be sick or something", I say unsure. "Could you all please introduce yourselves to me because I have no idea who any of you are". "What about me (Y/n)-sensei!", some one calls. I look over and see Naruto in the back. "Oh hey Naruto I didn't see you", you giggle. "She has such a pretty laugh", a fanboy coos. "Please say your names starting with you", you say pointing your finger at the pineapple head. "Shikamaru Nara". "Choji Akimichi". "Secondary character". "H-Hinata Hyuga". "Secondary character". "Kiba Inuzuka". "Shino Aburame". "Secondary character". "Secondary character". "Secondary character". "Naruto Uzumaki, believe it!". "Ino Yamanaka". "Sakura Haruno". "Sasuke Uchiha".

You smiled at the class and then headed over to the teachers desk to find your relief work. You sat on the desk and read through the piece of paper.

Relief work
Period 1:
Logical thinking using scenarios
Period 2:
Kunai throwing practice
Period 3:
Practicing transformation technique

I look up at the class and smile once again. "Ok now today can be really easy for you or it can be super hard. I have a set of rules that I would like you to follow and if you break those rules we won't get along. They aren't difficult to follow so just do as I say and we will be good. Rule number one is don't try and be naughty. I was the naughtiest kid in my class when I was in the academy and I know all the tricks. Rule two is no bullying. I understand that rivalries are made when in academy but if your just being mean to increase your already low self esteem then you can go. Ninja aren't cocky so don't be. Rule three is that the academy is a place of learning so if someone can't do something as well as you it doesn't mean that they are weak. Those that are weak are the ones who think that they are better than everyone else. Having ego is fine but if you use it in a fight you are going to lose. Those are my rules, are there any questions?".

Well that was the second chapter. I planned this story a while ago and am so happy that I am finally writing it. Please let me know what you think. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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