63. Change of plans

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The children all left class, waving goodbye to you as they began heading home. Once they were all gone you let out a long sigh and slouched in your chair, stretching out your tired arms. You spent a long time tutoring the class how to aim and throw kunai and shuriken, you were pretty worn out. Your eyes drifted to your desk, locking onto the note Iruka had given you. It had said to meet him after class to tell him whether you were available to go out tonight. Your answer was definitely yes, how could you say no to him? He's your boyfriend now anyway, but you were still feeling a little flustered about the whole situation. Feeling a little motivated to give the brunette your answer you get up, leaving your classroom in order to find him.

You walk down the hall and find yourself in front of Iruka's class. You gently knock on the door and slide it open. Iruka was sitting at his desk, not yet noticing your arrival. You sneakily approached his desk and placed your hands on his shoulders, making him jump. He looked back at you, letting out a sigh of relief when he realized it was you. "Oh (Y/n), you gave me a fright", he chuckles, his hand resting over his heart. You smile sweetly at him and lean up against his desk. "W-what are you doing here?", he asks. "I was going to let you know I would love to go out to dinner tonight". His face turns bright red as he averts his eyes. "There's been a change of plans", he mutters quietly. You give an understanding nod. "I get it, if something came up I'd be happy to reschedule". He quickly shakes his head, waving his hands in front of him. "No, it's not that, I just remembered what happened last time when we went out for dinner with the waitress and then there was that time before that with the waiter, maybe we could do something else instead". "Of course, did you have anything in mind?". He nods. "Yeah, maybe we could get something to eat and take it to the park, eat it there". Your face lights up. "It sounds like a great idea, when do you wanna go?". He taps his chin, leaning back in his seat. "Since I have a lot of work to do, is 8 okay?". "Yeah, it's fine". You push yourself off of the desk and begin walking towards the door. "I'll see you then!", you call out, leaving the class. Kuro pokes his head out of the classroom beside the one you just left. "Hey, mum?". You turn your head to face him. "Yeah?". "Since you're going out tonight can I stay at Akira and Daichi's?". You nod your head. "Of course, I'll just have to ask them first". His face lights up. "I'll get them to come over and then they can take you back to their house with them".


You sat in your living room with Akira, Daichi, and Kuro. The two older males smirked when they heard about the date. "So you two have been on one date and you are now going out?", Daichi asks. You nod. "Yup". "And you kissed twice?", Akira questions. You nod once again. "That's correct". They share glances before looking back at you. "So what's next?". You blush, letting your eyes drift to the floor. "I-I dunno...". The two chuckles and smile. "It's fine, don't push yourself to do anything you don't feel ready for", Akira reassures. Daichi nods in agreement. "After finally getting Zabuza out of your mind you shouldn't strain yourself by overthinking". You smile and look up at the both of them. "Thank you for the support you guys, you always know how to make me feel better". "How about me?", Kuro asks hopefully. you giggle and wrap your arms around the blonde. "Yeah, you too". You all laugh, stopping when the three males stand. "We'll leave you to get ready now", Daichi says, stretching out his tired muscles. You get up also, walking the three of them to the door. "I'll see you all tomorrow". The all nod and wave goodbye, disappearing as they head towards their house.

Timeskip (When you finish getting ready)

You look yourself up and down in the full body mirror which hung from your wall. You admitted that you looked great, not only did the outfit look good but it was also very comfortable too. You slipped on your shoes, your head perking up when you heard the sound of knocking on your front door. You hurried over and opened it, being greeted by Iruka looking adorable as always. "Are you ready to go?", he asks, sounding a little nervous. You give a determined nod and quickly lock up before walking away from your home with the brunette.

The next chapter will be the date. I have the rest of the story planned out so I reckon there'll be just under ten chapters left... maybe, something around that anyway. I hope you enjoyed! Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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