65. Embarrassment

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You and Iruka followed the silver and raven-haired Jonin through the busy Konoha streets. In the crowd, Iruka found your hand, holding protectively onto it. You turned your face towards him noticing the pink blush on his cheeks. You couldn't help but giggle. Kakashi looked back at the two of you, sending a closed-eyed smile. "We're almost there", he assures. You give a thankful nod and continue following the two shinobi.

Just under five minutes later you had arrived at a small bar down a street far from the commotion of the festival. Inside were many ninja that you recognised. Ibiki sat at the back with a table of a bunch of ninja you had never met. Your eyes landed on a blonde man who had his back to you. Your face lit up as his name slipped from your mouth. "Inoichi". He turned around, smiling brightly when he saw you. You released Iruka's hand and approached the Yamanaka, giving him a hug. "I feels like I haven't seen you around as much as I would've liked to, I hope you and the boys are doing well". You give the older male a closed-eyed smile. '"Yeah, we've been doing great. It's just me and Kuro for the time being but Naruto and Sasuke should be back soon". He nods. "Yes, I'm also waiting for Ino to come home. But I know that having a team with these two's sons they will surely pass", he says, gesturing to the two men he had been sitting with. You hadn't met the larger one but the symbol on his armour suggested he was of the Akimichi clan. The second was someone you knew but had never spoken to, Shikamaru's father, Shikaku Nara. "It's nice to meet you, I got the pleasure of teaching both of your sons earlier this year", I say, bowing my head. The Akimichi, Choza, chuckled as he placed both hands on his stomach. "A pleasure I hope it was, my son never stops eating". You giggle and nod. "And Shikamaru's pretty lazy, he gets it from me but he's an intelligent boy". Shikaku stood up and offered you his hand. You happily shook his hand. "You continue to surprise me", he says with a quiet chuckle. "Every time I see you, you're doing something new, even stronger than the last time". His eyes drifted to Iruka who behind you. "And now I guess I've found something even newer, how long have you two been dating?', he asks, raising an eyebrow as he returns to his seat. Both yours and Iruka's cheek tint pink. "Maybe just over a week". The brunette nods. "Well, take care of her, Iruka". The Umino gave a quick nod. "O-of course, Shikaku-senpai". The three older males sent you all a nod before returning to their conversation. 

"So where do you wanna sit?", Iruka asks, looking around the bar. There weren't many free tables but there were a few free seats at a table where Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, Izumo and Kotetsu sat. You point to the table and take Iruka's hand, pulling him over. 

The five ninja turned their attention to the two of you, sending you smiles as they pointed to the available seats. You took the one beside Kurenai and Iruka sat beside you. "So how long have you two been going out?", Kurenai asks, resting her cheek in the palm of her hand. "About a week", you repeat. This seemed to be a popular question tonight, but its not like you or Iruka had told anyone about your relationship. Before now only Naruto, Sasuke, Kuro, Haruka, Akira and Daichi knew. "Aw I knew it!", Izumo slurs, pointing to you and Iruka. Both Izumo and Kotetsu seemed to be very drunk, you giggled quietly when you saw Kotetsu staring dreamily at his partner. "I always see them together and they even have three kids". You blush. "They aren't ours...", you say awkwardly. He shrugs his shoulders. "Oh well, I guess you'll be having one soon anyway". Kotetsu let out a quiet hiccup. "Can you have twins? Then there'll be two babies, I promise we'll babysit. You and Iruka just have to make the baby, you should do it tonight. Yeah, do it tonight". Your face was now bright red. Izumo slightly nudged Kotetsu. "Don't say stuff like that", he whispers loudly. "Iruka's a virgin and he must be embarrassed, since (Y/n) has already had babies she's not". Kotetsu clumsily nods. "Y-yeah, I won't say it out loud, I don't want to embarrass him". The two of them nod to each other and then take another sip from their drinks. 

Everything went quiet after the embarrassing moment, all eyes were on you and Iruka. You felt really bad for him, his face must be on fire right now. You turned to look at him, noticing him looking down at his lap sadly. You couldn't help but worry about the brunette, why was he reacting like this? He clears his throat and stands up. "I-um need to get some fresh air", he quickly announces before running off. You rest your chin on your folded arm, letting out a quiet sigh. Kurenai soft expression turns to one of annoyance as she glares at the pair. "Why would you two say stuff like that, you know he's insecure about all of this". Your eyes widen. "Insecure? Why is Iruka insecure?". Kurenai sighs and sends you a sad smile. "Go and see him, he'll need some cheering up". You give a determined nod and stand, preparing to go find Iruka.

Aw poor cinnamon roll.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I didn't think I would have time to finish it today but here it is! Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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