23. Alone again

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Flashback 21

Zabuza wrapped his arms around his lover's thighs and kissed her exposed belly. She giggled, enjoying the attention. His placed his large hands on the small bump and rubbed it. "I can't believe this baby is mine", he says. (Y/n) hugged the masked man, resting her chin on top of his head. "And I can't believe I'm having a baby with the man I love", she whispered. Zabuza smiled and hugged her protectively. "I will protect both of you with my life, I'm willing to die just for you two". Tears welled in (Y/n)'s eyes and she began to sob. Never had she felt so loved.

Flashback 22

The medical ninja placed their illuminated hands on (Y/n)'s bare stomach, a surprised expression appearing on their face. "W-what is it? Is everything Ok?", (Y/n) asks worriedly. A large smile appears on their face. "I'm not sure why I hadn't seen this any sooner", they say in disbelief. Zabuza was in the room also, the new topic gaining his interest. "There's more then one". "More then one what?", (Y/n) asks. "You're having twins". (Y/n)'s eyes widen and her eyes fill with tears. "I'm having two babies?", she sobs. The medical ninja nods and leaves the room. Zabuza seems even more surprised. "Do you think they are gonna be boys or girls?", he asks. you rub your eyes and shrug your shoulders, letting out a small laugh. "I don't care, I'll love them both with all my heart".

Flashback 23

(Y/n) breathed heavily. "In and out, now push", the medical ninja instructed. (Y/n) pushed hard, the pain was unbearable. "Stop, in and out, now push". (Y/n) looked up and saw Zabuza sitting next to her, his hand holding hers protectively. "You can do it", he says. (Y/n) pushes again, this time feeling slight relief. The sudden sound of crying fills the room. "And once more", the ninja instructs. (Y/n) pushes again and again until finally she has pushed out not one but two babies. She lays there exhausted, staring up at her lover. The medical ninja come into the room, holding two bundles of blankets. "Here you are, two boys". (Y/n) takes the two boys in her arms and looks down at their sleeping faces. One had Zabuza's black hair and the other had your (h/c) hair. You pulled the blankets down on both of them and broke down crying. Their arms were marked, just like hers. They had her clan's kekkei genkai. Her sudden outburst caused the babies to awaken. The one with black hair looked up at her with its sparky brown eyes, he had his fathers. And the other had (e/c) eyes, just like hers. (Y/n) turned and looked at her lover, an expression of shock appearing when she saw his crying face. "Zabuz-". He suddenly hugged her and his children. "What are their names?", he asks. (Y/n) looks down at her babies with a happy smile. "Zen and Heiwa".

Flashback 24

(Y/n) lay in her hospital bed, her babies lay in incubators next to her. Due to them being so young they needed to be looked after every second of the day and so were placed in incubators for safety. (Y/n) turned her head to the side and looked over at her children. They slept soundly, the constant beeping of the heart monitor gave her hope. Hope that they would be fine. She closed her eyes and relaxed. Suddenly both heart monitors started to speed up. (Y/n)'s eyes snapped open as she saw her babies breathing faster then normal. "Help! Somebody!", she screams. Medial ninja run in and pull the babies into another room. (Y/n) lays there, her heart breaking slowly. Wondering whether her children will be OK.

Flashback 25

The medical ninja slowly walked back into (Y/n)'s room. Their heads hung low, none willing to make eye contact. "I'm sorry Miss (Y/n), they are incredibly sick. They won't make it". (Y/n) felt her world fall apart, her children were dieing and she couldn't protect them. "C-can I hold them one last time?", she ask, tears running down her flustered cheeks. They nod and leave, coming back with two bundles of blankets. (Y/n) takes both of her children and hugs them. Both of them open their eyes and look up at their mother. They were so innocent, why them? Why did it have to be them?! She lent down and kissed them both on the forehead. "I love you both", she whispers, watching as their eyes close for the last time.

Flashback 26

(Y/n) sat on the roof of her shared apartment, staring up at the sky. She did this often, she loved the sky. When she was younger she loved to look up and admire its beauty. It was so soothing, it pushed away all bad thoughts and left her feeling refreshed. She felt a presence behind her. "Are they inside?", Zabuza asks. "They're gone", she whispers, trying to hold back her tears. "Gone where?", his voice was laced with concern. "They got sick a-and.. an-nd-". She was cut off by Zabuza hugging her. "Its Ok", he whispers. "Its all going to be Ok".

Flashback 27

She stood in front of him, tears running down her cheeks. She grits her teeth and glares at him. "Why?! Why are you doing this?!", she yells. He sighs and gives her a sad smile through his mask of bandages. "Its time for me to leave the Mist, its not for me anymore". (Y/n) glares at him. "Then take me with you!". "I'm not going to let you come with me, you'll lose everything". She looks down at the ground, a gentle breeze pushes her hair back. "You're the only thing I want in my life". His eyes widen and he stares at her. He walks forward, stopping when he is right in front of her. His large hand reaches up and caresses her cheek. "You know you can't come with me". "I know I just... I want to be with you". She looks up and meets his gaze. He pulls his mask down so she can see the entirety of his face. He leans down and connects his lips with hers, kissing her passionately.

Minutes later they pull away, gasping for breath. "As much as I would love that I can't, just promise me you will find someone else". Her watery eyes look up at him, a frown on her face. "I don't want anyone else, I only want you". He sighs and lets out a quiet chuckle. "You were always so stubborn, I remember the day I first met you". She couldn't help but smile, remembering that day. "See, I want you to use that beautiful smile of yours everyday". She leans her forehead against his chest and lets out a loud sigh. "I'm going to miss you". He wraps his arms around her and presses his lips against her forehead. "I will too, I love you". He lets go and begins walking away. "I-I love you too!", she calls out. He smiles back at her. "I know, don't forget about me!". She couldn't help but giggle. "That's gonna be pretty hard". He sent her one last look before he disappeared. She found herself staring into the forest, wishing he would return with the mist.

Flashback 28

(Y/n) sat alone in her apartment, a bottle of sake in her right hand. She tipped the contents into her mouth and let out a sigh. How could her life go from perfect to absolute shit? She lost everything, her lover, her children, her reason to live. She shakily stood up and hobbled over to her bathroom, taking a bottle of pills from the cabinet. She unscrewed the lid and threw them back, washing them down with sake. She then walked to her room and lay on her bed, hugging her pillow. Crying for her family, begging for another chance, hoping it was all just a dream. But  no matter how hard she begged, hoped or even cried, nothing changed. She was alone again.

Oh god what have I done! I hate myself too so don't worry, my poor babies! I'm sorry if I made you cry, I am crying also so you are not alone. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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