37. The test

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This morning I felt sluggish, as if I had no energy whatsoever. But for me and the boys I get up, forcing the energy into myself. I walk out into the living room to see Naruto and Sasuke already up and dressed. "Do you want me to make you guys breakfast?", I ask. They shake their heads. "Kakashi-sensei said that if we eat we'll throw up", Naruto says. I nod and look over at Kuro, who's sitting on the couch, reading. "Would you like something, Kuro?", I ask. He smiles and nods. "Yes please". I make my way into the kitchen only to hear the sound of running. Naruto and Sasuke run out the front door, leaving me confused. I walk back into the living room and look at Kuro. "Where are they going? Its too early". Kuro shrugs his shoulders. "Sasuke said that they were going to do a survival test to see if they were actually allowed to become Genin or something". I sigh and nod. "What is it?", he asks. "Well my guess is with tests like these its not about strength but more about cooperation and how you work with others. Since they are put into squads of three they would probably test to see whether they will work together or try to handle everything on their own". There was a moment of silence before Kuro spoke. "So do you think they will pass?". I sweat drop and rub the back of my neck. "Probably not. Sasuke will try and do it all on his own. He is no doubt strong but that won't get him to pass. Naruto would most likely not think things through and charge straight in. He would most likely team up with the others but because of who they are that won't happen. Sakura isn't the strongest and would probably have to rely on others in the fight, she'd want to team up with Sasuke who doesn't want to work with anyone and deny Naruto". Kuro nods and closes his book. "You sure do know a lot about this kind of stuff". I shrug my shoulders. "That's only because I know what its like to work with others. You become close and stronger because you are wanting to protect them. When I was growing up I did everything solo and actually having a team or a partner made me feel happy". Kuro smiles and walks with you into the kitchen.

"Ok so what do you want to have?", I ask the blonde boy. "Um lets make (random breakfast food)". "Ok then can you get the ingredients out of the fridge". He nods and begins grabbing things for me. Suddenly there is a knock at the door. I leave the kitchen and open the front door to reveal the same masked ninja from yesterday. "Oh hey Kakashi, aren't you supposed to be doing a survival test or something?", you question. He nods and follows you into your apartment. "I was just about to go but wanted to stop by first". You nod. Naruto had told you about how his sensei was late meeting them yesterday and he was late again today, visiting your house. "So what did you need to come here for?", you ask. "I want your opinion on how my survival test will end". I let out a quiet chuckle. "What a coincidence, Kuro and I were just talking about that". Kakashi followed me into the kitchen and lent his shoulder against the door frame as I made my way to the counter to prepare breakfast. "Sasuke won't want to cooperate, Naruto will try to help his friends but get denied by both and Sakura will try to help Sasuke and ignore Naruto". Kakashi nods and eyes Kuro. "How about Kuro? What would you do?". Kuro turns around and meets the gaze of the silver haired man. "It depends who they were but I would try to work with them, what's the point of having a team if they don't cooperate?". I smile and pat his head. "You sound a lot like Daichi and Akira", you chuckle. Kuro sends you a large smile and turns back to what he was doing. "Once again, I hope this information is useful to you, Kakashi". He nods. "Very much so, even though the first part of the test may be failed those three have the opportunity to redeem themselves". You smile and bow to him. "That's a relief, none of them would pass if that wasn't the case. Thank you for taking on Naruto and Sasuke". He sends you a closed eyed smile and lifts a hand to wave at you. "That's fine, I'm sure that they'll pass". I knew that he wasn't sure, it all depended on whether they would be able to figure out the true intentions of the survival test or if they could work together from the beginning. I waved to Kakashi as he left and let out a long sigh once I knew he was gone. "Do you think they can do it?", Kuro asks. I shrug my shoulders. "I hate that I'm doubting them right now but I do believe they can do it".

Sorry I haven't updated this story in a while. I have too many ongoing and for some stupid reason I started a new one but yeah... I ain't the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to managing these types of things. Anyway I hoped you enjoyed. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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