59. Aida

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"Congratulations on passing the first part of the exam, Aida-chan!", Lee exclaims as you walk around the village by his side. He definitely was getting a lot of strange looks, the only girl who hung around him was Tenten and that was only because they were on the same team. As a Jonin and teacher you really liked Lee, he was strong and determined, never giving up even though he had a big disadvantage. You knew the struggle of wanting recognition and loved the fire in his eyes as he trained and talked about his goals. "I'm going to be a strong shinobi even though I can't do Ninjutsu or Genjutsu!", he announces. You giggle at his energy and send him a soft smile. "Well, I think you can do it". His round eyes widened as his cheeks tinted a light pink. "Wow really? I've never had a girl say that to me". Honestly, it was adorable, you couldn't see why people would look down on him. The image of his sensei filled your mind and made you sweatdrop. Sure the kid was determined but did they have to dress and look the same? You thought it was taking it a bit too far, the villagers must think those two are crazy.

Lee took your hand and pulled you into a store. Once you got the chance to look around you noticed that it was an ice cream store and man did you love the stuff. Your face lit up. Lee blushed at your expression and let out a dreamy sigh. "D-do you want one?", he asks, flustered. You give a big nod. He picks out a flavor and you pick out one too, watching as the man behind the counter begins making your order. Once he finishes and passes them over to you, you pull out your purse and hand the man the correct amount of money. "Hey I was going to pay", Lee argues. You shake your head. "It's my treat". After continuously offering to give you money for the ice cream for the first time he gives in, turning to his ice cream. You ended up spending a few hours hanging out with Lee. Sure he wasn't the most attractive in others eyes or the calmest, he was energetic and hardworking but you knew that whoever he would end up with in the future would be one lucky girl.

You were currently walking around when you felt a presence, someone was following the two of you. Reaching into your kunai pouch on your thigh, you discretely pulled out a sharp weapon and threw it back at your pursuers. After a couple of surprised screams and one loud thump, you had exposed them. Approaching the group of Genin with Lee following behind you, you looked down at the blonde, raven and pink haired shinobi. "Why were you following us?', you ask sweetly. Both boys blushed bright red while Sakura glared up at you. "We wanted to know who you were, after all, we have never seen you around here before". You smile softly at the group and offer your hand to the blonde, pulling him to his feet. "I've been here for a while now, I'm always training and on missions so you probably haven't seen me around". You mentally chuckle, how gullible were they? Sakura brings her guard down a little and gives a small smile. Your eyes meet Sasuke's and his cheeks heat up a little, Sakura wasn't too happy about that. She jumps protectively in front of him. You pull your kunai out of the wall behind them and send them all a smile. "It was nice to meet you all, I should be going home now". You send a wave to the group of four and then jumped onto the rooftops, running in the direction of your house. Once you were far enough away from them you teleported, ending up in front of Haruka's house in your normal form.

You knocked on the door and waited until it opened. Haruka blushed once she saw it was you. "Is now a bad time?", you ask. She looks down at the ground in embarrassment. "Haruka, who is it?", you hear a familiar voice call. Suddenly Kakashi comes into view in the doorway, sending you a closed-eyed smile. "Oh (Y/n), I didn't expect to see you until tomorrow", he chuckles. You raised an eyebrow at him. "Why is that? Was there something you needed to talk to me about?". He nods. "I wanted to say you did a great job fitting in with the Genin and tell you not reveal yourself, you haven't done that right?", he asks hopefully. You laugh and shake your head. "I haven't done it yet but if you want to keep it a secret I will happily do so". He nods and then looks back into the house when they hear the sound of a cry. "I'm sorry (Y/n) but now isn't really a great time", Haruka apologizes. You shake your head and hold up your hands. "Don't worry about it, I'll come by another time. I was going to tell you about the date but I'll wait". Her eyes widen a little, you know she desperately wants to know what happened. "I'll come by tomorrow morning with Tsuki". Your face lights up. "Great, I'll see ya then. Bye". You then make a hand sign and teleport into your house just as the door opens, revealing Naruto and Sasuke. "Hey, how was the first part of the exam?", you ask. "We passed", they say in sync. You smile happily at them. "That's great to hear, I hope you two will train hard for the next part of the exam, it's going to be a lot harder than anything the two of you have faced before". They both raise their eyebrows. "How do you know about it?", Naruto asks. You shrug your shoulder and head into the kitchen to start dinner. "I have my sources".

I really like the idea of you pretending to be a Genin because you get to hang out with the main characters a lot more. But don't worry, there'll be more Iruka. Anyway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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