86. Meeting

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You awoke, eyes widening as you attempted to move. But something was off, if was as if you didn't have legs anymore, you couldn't feel anything below your pelvis. Looking down, you were relieved that they were still there but confused as to why you couldn't feel them. It was as if your sense of feeling stopped at the top of your thighs, leaving your limbs useless.

Your eyes then drifted to your arms, a green glow coming off them. They were rapped in something transparent and illuminating. Inspecting further, you discovered that they were connected in the middle by chains made of the same material. It was if they were made of pure energy, you could only assume that this was someone's jutsu.

It was then that you remembered the situation you were in. Kaito changing his personality so suddenly and your brain slowly falling asleep, as you were overcome by an abnormal tiredness. You rolled over so that you could eye your surrounding, wanting to know exactly where you were. Right now, you were laying on the ground in a forest next to a dying camp fire. The camp set up looked much like the one you had arrived at the night you received the scroll.

With your hands, you were able to rub your head, calming the minor ache that you had only noticed now. Your hands were free to move and pick things up, but since your forearms and upper arms were covered (the markings all covered) by the glowing green armor, you couldn't use your kekkei genkai. You attempted using it a few time but all failed, the water molecules in the air couldn't be absorbed by the skin, therefore, unable to great anything from ice or water. You huffed in annoyance as you tried to sit up, struggling since your legs didn't cooperate.

Over ten minutes past before you heard footsteps, your struggling body still trying to get up. Kaito returned to the camp site, his emotionless face turning into one of pure joy when he saw that you were awake.

"You're awake," he enthused, rushing to your side. He reached out to touch you but you shied away, not wanting his hands to make contact. He noticed this and pouted, a sad expression replacing his happy one.

"Kaito, please let me go," you begged, hoping that his infatuation with you would make him weak to your demands. But it didn't, he seemed to care more about you being with him than you being happy.

"No, I can't. We still have to get married and then we can rule over the frost village together." You watched him closely, staying still as he pushed a loose piece of hair behind your ear.

"But what about my parents? They wouldn't let you do this, they hate me and anyone I associate with." He chuckles, his hand moving to cup your cheek. The feeling of his calloused hand against your face was unnatural and made you uncomfortable, you wanted Iruka to be the only one who could touch you.

"There's nothing to worry about, I took care of them and everyone who ever hurt you," he smiled, his voice soft and calming. The relaxing tone of his voice made you undermine his words but you still heard them, your brain trying to register what he meant. Your eyes widened when you realized what he may have done.

"Kaito, what did you do?" you demand, hoping that it wasn't what you thought it to be. He laughed, helping you sit up properly and taking your cuffed hands in his own.

"I killed them, every single one of them. The students in the academy who ridiculed you, the villagers that called you horrible names, those kids put you down when you first discovered your kekkei genkai and my favorite, your parents. Oh how they screamed and begged like the pigs they were." Tears welled in your eyes at the thought of your parents deaths, you had hoped that you could still show them that you were worthy to be loved by them. Sure, they were horrible people when it came to dealing with you but they were wonderful leaders and everyone looked up to and believed in them. As tears began dripping down your face, Kaito sighed, using his thumb to wipe them.

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