15. The Jonin meeting

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You were on your way to the Hokage's mansion. Kakashi had told you earlier to go there and that's exactly what you were doing. You walked up the stairs and towards the door. When you got there you knocked. "Come in". You opened the door and stepped inside, there were so many people in there. "(Y/n) come over to my desk", the Hokage instructed. You walked through the sea of people and stood before the Hokage. "I want to ask you some questions and I want you to be truthful". You nod your head. "Yes sir". He cleared his throat and looked around the room before looking back at you. "Have you been 100% truthful with me?". "No". I heard some murmuring in the background. "What have you been untruthful about". "My reason for coming here". "And what is your true reason for coming here?". "I was being forced into an arranged marriage". "Who arranged that?". "My parents". He tapped his chin and then looked back at me. "And why didn't you tell us you were the ice wielder". "I planned on living the rest of my life here and if I told you straight away I wouldn't fully get the trust of the village".  The old man smiled at me. "Well then (Y/n) I see that you are being truthful with me, I appreciate that, you have my trust and I hope the other Jonin of this village will trust you as I do". You bowed and gave him a small smile. 

He turned to the other Jonin and gave them a serious look. "I understand if you don't but please make an effort to make (Y/n) welcome, after all she did protect the village and has done a wonderful job working in the academy so far". I heard a few people grumble responses. "Why do you trust her, she tried to kill your grandson!", Ebisu exclaims. I raise an eyebrow at him. "Are you still going on about that?". He grits his teeth and sends me a glare. "And she's also been hanging around the Uchiha and that boy", he spits. You felt the hidden angry within you release. "Don't talk about them like that, Sasuke and Naruto are lovely boys, don't treat them like outcasts!". Even seemed pretty surprised by my outburst. "Why exactly do you care for these boys so much? Do you even know what he is?!". "It shouldn't matter, no one should be treated like an outcast, people who are like that see the worst side of the ninja world, you may think you know a lot but I've seen some shit". "We all have, we're ninja too!". Electricity connected between your eyes. "That's enough you too", the Hokage interrupts. I turn and bow to the Hokage. "My apologies sir". "No you have a valid point, however Ebisu you need to stop accusing (Y/n) of stupid things". He gritted his teeth and muttered a 'yes sir'.

The meeting ended and everyone was dismissed. All the other ninja teleported away but you felt like walking so you just used the door. While walking back to your apartment you saw two ninja approaching you. One was a man with a cigarette between his lips and the other was a woman wearing a bandage like dress. You saw them in the Jonin meeting just before. The woman gave you a warm smile. "Hello", she greets. "Uh hi". "I'm Kurenai and this is Asuma". He sent you a nod. "Oh Yuhi and Sarutobi?", I ask. They nod. "I've heard of you two before". "Really?"", Kurenai asks. "Yeah, I used to hear about all kinds of ninja when I was in the Mist". "That's amazing, I've been hearing about you since I was a child". "Haha never thought I was that well known". Suddenly two more people came into view. Another man and woman. The man was very tall, I mean he was huge and the woman had purple hair tied back in a pony tail. "Oh hey Ibiki and Anko", Asuma greets. You smile at the people. "Sorry about Ebisu, he's a bit of a pervert", Anko smirks. You raise an eyebrow and giggle a bit. "How does that have anything to do with it?". She shrugs. "I dunno, just a guess. Anyway miss ice wielder is it true you used to date Zabuza Momochi?". You blush a bit and rub the back of your neck. "Yeah I did". "Wow, what was it like dating a rogue?". You giggle and shake your head. "We broke up when he left the village, if I stayed with him I would be named as a traitor". "I suppose you're right, but did you try and leave with him?", she asks. You slowly nod. You remembered that day all too well, the day he left. You swallowed the lump in your throat and then looked at the others. "I'm sorry but I've gotta get home, I hope to see you around". You quickly made a hand sign and then disappeared.

Next chapter is done, wooowhoo! I think the story is coming along great. Stay tuned for more drama and awkwardness between you and Iruka. Also more Ebisu being an asshat, don't forget that. Some one told me in the comments that my story motivates them to update their own and I am so happy about that. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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