42. Race

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A few days passed by and the house was quiet. Usually Naruto would be jumping around and talking about how his training is going, stuff like that. I wiped the sweat from my forehead as i finally had finished cleaning the entirety of the house, something that was long over due. I let out a quiet sigh and lay back on the couch. What was I supposed to do on my day off while Naruto and Sasuke aren't here? Kuro had gone out with Akira and Daichi, leaving alone at home. 

I was suddenly knocked from my thoughts by a loud knock on my front door. I push myself off the couch and stumble tiredly towards the door. Once I open it I stare at my guests in surprise. "You are looking very youthful today, (Y/n)-sensei!", Lee exclaims. My face lights up at the sight of the over excited raven-haired boy. "Oh hey, what can I do for you?". "I was just about to go and train with my team when I saw Kuro, he is very youthful! He said you had nothing to do today so I wanted to know if you'd train with us!". You smile brightly and nod your head. "Yeah sure, just give me a second to get ready". He nods and walks into my house after me, waiting for me to get ready.

A minute or so later I emerge from my room in my usual ninja gear. "Very youthful!", Lee says, with a blush and a thumbs up. I smile back at the boy and place my hand on his head. "Lead the way". He gives a determined nod and grabs your hand, running in the direction of the training field.


After ten minutes of non-stop running you could see Neji, Tenten and Gai waiting. "Lee you're late", Gai says. His eyes trail to me and his face lights up. "Hello there (Y/n), you are looking very beautiful today!", he exclaims, showing off his sparkly smile. I smile back and bow to him and his team. "Lee has asked me if I would like to train with you today, that is only if its ok with you". Gai gives an enthusiastic nod and gives a thumbs up. "Of course, I would like to see your skills in action". You nod back to him and smile at Neji and Tenten. "Good morning". "Morning Sensei", Tenten greets with a smile. "Y-yes good m-morning", Neji bows with an obvious blush. I smile sweetly back at the two of them and then turn to Gai. "So what are we doing first?", you ask. "We will be running around the village, a race to see who is the fastest, whoever makes it back here first wins". "Ok sounds easy enough", you reply, stretching out your arms. "I think not! I have added an element of challenge, we shall have to carry a student each". I cock my head to the side slightly. "Um ok that sounds alright". Neji takes a step back, pushing Lee forwards. "I'm not going", he says bluntly. You nod and turn to Tenten, smiling lightly at her. "I guess I'll be carrying you".

Gai and I stood side by side, Tenten on my back and Lee on his. "Are you ready?", he asks. You give a nod and begin running as soon as Neji says 'go'. You sprint down the road all the way along the wall of the village. "How far behind is he?", you ask Tenten. She's staring at you with wide eyes. "You're so fast, I can't even see him anymore". You let a smirk grace your lips, you hated to show off but sometimes it filled you with happiness knowing that you had skill that no one else could compare to. You run along the village's wall, using it as a guide to make your way around. "We're half way", she calls. I nod and begin to run faster. Tenten clings to you for dear life, laughing quietly due to the adrenaline rush. I take a deep breath and increase my speed even more, I'm not even pushing myself that hard.

Five minutes later I arrived back where we had started, sweating slightly. Tenten hopped off my back and struggled to stand. Neji stared at me, his lavender eyes widen. "That was a amazing...", he trails off. You give him a wide smile and sit down, leaning your back up against a tree. "I guess we'll just have to wait for Gai and Lee to come back". Tenten runs over to you and holds out her hand. "Sensei, I want to spar with you".

Well I guess you're gonna be fighting Tenten so good luck with that, you're obviously a lot stronger than her so you know the end result. I wrote this 2 days ago and just finished it not, sorry for the wait if you were expecting something sooner. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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