51. Move on but never forget

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Throughout the entirety of the night, you traveled. You ran without any breaks, the idea of seeing your love once again gave you an endless supply of energy. Then you saw it, the great Naruto bridge. You eagerly crossed it and found yourself in the middle of a small village. You look around and let out a sigh as you realize just how exhausted you are. A drink perhaps would return some energy. You walk down the streets, attempting to find a bar of some sorts. Now it was early morning, very very early. The sun hadn't risen yet, it still looked as if it was night time. Suddenly you heard someone call out to you. "Oi lady!". You turned your head to be met with the familiar sight of a drunk older man. "Oh Tazuna, you must've been the bridge builder Naruto and Sasuke were sent to protect". He scoffs and takes a swig from his bottle. "I don't need those damn kids to protect me". You sigh and approach him. "Do you know where I could rest, I've been traveling all night". He grunts and attempts to walk forward, only stumbling a few steps. You catch him before his falls and wrap his arm around your shoulder to support him. "Where are we going?". "Back to my daughter's house, you may rest there as long as you like". You smile lightly at the drunken man and nod. "Thanks, I guess". "Just shut up and go where I tell you to".

After about ten minutes of walking, you came upon a house. You walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. A woman with long blue hair answered the door and gasped at the sight of her father. "Father you shouldn't drink so much", she scolds. She lets you bring him inside and you let him fall onto the couch". She turns to me and bows. "Thank you for bringing my father home, Miss". You nod and look over at Tazuna as he attempts to sit up. "Tsunami, could you make the girl a cup of tea, she's been traveling all night?". His daughter gives a quick nod and runs off into the kitchen to prepare the tea.

A few minutes later you were all seated at the table, sipping from our cups of tea. "So what might your name be, Miss?", Tsunami asks. You look up and smile gently at her. "(Y/n)". Her eyes widen slightly. "You must Naruto and Sasuke's mother then". Your cheeks tinted pink. "Um kind of, I'm their adoptive mother". She smiles brightly at you. "Wow, adopting two boys at such a young age. That's amazing". You smile lightly but shake your head. "N-no it's not that impressive, I was just happy to be able to give them a home and a family". Tsunami giggles. "You surely aren't doing it by yourself, you must have a very supportive husband". Your face fell just thinking about it. "Oh my kami, I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?". You shake your head.
"No, not at all, it just reminds me of the reason I came here". "What was it?", Tsunami asks, leaning forward on the table. "I came here to see my love". Tazuna scoffs and leans back in his chair, folding his arms. "It's that good for nothing bastard who was trying to kill me". You refuse to look up. "I do apologize for his behavior but he was just following orders, Zabuza wouldn't kill anyone for his personal enjoyment". Tsunami continues to stare at you. "I'm sorry for your loss". You shake your head. "I appreciate it but we have been apart for a long time, we may not still be together but that doesn't stop me from loving him". Tsunami gives you a sad smile and reaches over, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I know this from personal experience, its time to move on. The father of my son died and I found it hard to forget him but then I met someone who changed my life. You don't need to forget them, all you have to do is move on". You look up and smile at her. "Thank you Tsunami-san". You look over at Tazuna and meet his gaze. "Would you mind telling me where they buried him?". He nods. "There is a cliff which overlooks the Great Naruto bridge and that is where he and the boy are buried". You nod and stand. "Thank you for your hospitality but I must be going now". The two waved you off and watched as you ran in the direction of the bridge.

You stood on the bridge and looked out at the cliff where Zabuza was supposed to be buried. You ran over and climbed up the cliffside, finding two fresh graves. You sat in front of them and smiled sadly. There was a wooden cross behind one and Zabuza's sword behind the other.

"Hey Zabuza, I know you told me to move on and forget about you but I just haven't been able too", you laugh. Your laughter dies down and you smile is replaces with a frown. "All this time I've tried to forget but I just could never stop loving you. It hurts too much to forget and it breaks my heart whenever I remember how we ended. I wish I could watch our sons grow up, how old would they be now? About 4 or 5? I don't even remember... I just wish I could see them smiling again". You reached up and wiped your eyes. "Heiwa and Zen were the reasons I adopted my three boys. There's Naruto, the boy who has the 9 tailed fox sealed within him and Kuro and Sasuke who are the last remaining of their clans. I want to be able to protect them and this time I'll do it with my life. Whatever happened to Heiwa and Zen... I don't know I just wish that I could've taken their place. I wish that they were still alive, I bet you would've made a great father".

You look over at Haku's grave and give a sad smile. "Haku... I always loved that name. I actually suggested that name but Zabuza said no", you giggle. You reach up and wipe your eyes once again. "It seems that even after Heiwa and Zen were taken from us Zabuza continued to be a father. I hope he took good care of you just like he did for me. I wish I got to meet you, Naruto told me a lot about you. About your clan and how you weren't allowed to use your Kekkei Genkai, I guess I can relate. My parents hated me for it and turned everyone in my village against me, then I left and moved to Kirigakure where I met Zabuza. And even though so much happened, both good and bad, I wouldn't trade them for anything. Anyway, I hope you are both happy up there". You look out at the horizon and notice that the sun is beginning to rise. "I hope you get to see Heiwa and Zen, I would love to see them. I love you all with all of my heart and would give anything to see you all again. Please stay safe, where ever you are. I promise I will never forget you, you'll always be close to my heart".

You look up and noticed something attached to the large sword. You knelt beside it and smiled. It was a photograph of you sitting on Zabuza's shoulders, you were about 15 in that picture and had the brightest smile on your face. It was the photo you had given Naruto, just the thought of him putting something so important there made you smile just as brightly as you had in the photo. You pulled the photo off of the blade and covered it with a thick layer of ice. You lay it between the graves and smiled down at them. "Now, no matter what happens that photo will stay there and we will stay together ok? The me of the past is yours but the me now... well she doesn't belong to anyone. I'm leaving her with you now, please look after her. She loves you very much and I promise you that she will never leave but I have to go. I'm moving on, Zabuza, but I promise that I will never forget you". You stand up and begin walking away. I'm doing it, I'm finally moving on. But I'll never forget him and I'll never stop loving him.

No I'm not crying... what are you talking about?! *Wipes away tears* And listening to sad music doesn't help either so I just dug myself a hole. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hope I got you to cry. Nah Idk. Anyway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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