25. The effects

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Inoichi removed his hand from (Y/n)'s head and collapsed to the ground. The four others did so too, her past was too much for an average mind to comprehend. Several ninja rushed in and carried the five out of the room and to the hospital. All that was left was (Y/n), still confined in the machine. The Hokage entered the room and looked down at the woman, he still had no clue what her mind held. But the reaction from the ninja who entered her mind showed that whatever it was was truly terrifying. He opened the machine and picked up the unconscious woman. He then carried her back to his office where she was sat in a chair next to his desk.


I hear voices, people are talking. I hear the Hokage, I hear Kakashi, I hear Iruka. "What's happening?", Kakashi asks. "We are unsure at the moment but as soon as Inoichi and his team are recovered we will get the information". My eyes flutter open and I look around, I'm in the Hokage's office. I see him looking at me, his expression was serious. "(Y/n), what did they see?', he asks. "M-my past". I look around and see that not only is Kakashi and Iruka but all the other Jonin, this must be a Jonin meeting. Suddenly the door is opened and Inoichi walks in, another ninja helping support his weight. "Inoichi, you should be in the hospital", the Hokage says. "I'm sorry I...". He stops when he looks at me. I see a strong and intelligent man break down, his eyes grow watery. The ninja assists him as he walks towards me. When he is close enough the ninja lets him go and he shakily walks over to me. Now I'm standing, I look up and meet his gaze. Then it happens, he hugs me. A grown man who others look up to as a hero is cowering and hugging me. I hug him back and rub his back. He tries to speak but I already know. "She is safe, Ino is safe". He pulls away slightly, his eyes wide. "You know my daughter?". I nod my head. Before he can speak again the Hokage interrupts. "Please explain what's going on Inoichi". The blonde man struggles to stand so I help him into the seat I was once sitting in. "Its something I don't even understand, no one could ever understand it. Its like a nightmare, losing everything and everyone. It was painful just to look at, it could drive anyone insane".

The Hokage turns to me. "I want you to explain what he saw, tell us about your past". I nod and clear my throat before I begin. "I was born in the village hidden in the frost. My mother and father despised me, my father hated me because I was gifted with my clan's kekkei genkai and he wasn't and my mother did because I wasn't born male. As I grew up my parents turned the villagers against me and everyone treated me as if I was a disease. Some ignored me and others let me know exactly how much they hated me. When I was five I killed a young girl because of her ignorance and that's when I met my two only friends. Later on more things started to happen, I lost my grandmother and people kept hating me. But then I got the opportunity to leave. The Mizukage gave me the chance to leave my village and join his, I accepted his offer and went from being a 12 year old Jonin in my village to a member of the seven swordsmen. Even though I was in a different village people started hating me again, the reason being that I was different. I tried to kill myself, hoping that I would find peace in death but I was stopped. From there I became in a relationship with the demon of the hidden mist, Zabuza. After a while all the other members f the seven swordsmen were wiped out and it was just a few of us left. Even though I had lost people I had considered to be family I was was unfazed by their deaths. When I was 17 I found out that I pregnant with twins and even though I was so young I was so happy to start a family. Nine months later I gave birth to two perfect baby boys, Heiwa and Zen. But they unfortunately got sick and died in my arms. A few weeks after that Zabuza left the village and I was alone again. I tried to kill myself again but just ended up in the hospital. When I was recovered I was sent on a mission to destroy a village and that's where I met a little girl. I had just killed her parents and she was unfazed. She reminded me of myself and I was so scared. She told me about how empty and lonely her life was and then she stabbed herself with my sword. I was traumatized after that. I left the hidden mist and went back to the hidden frost village. From there I started working in the academy. The children in my village knew me as a freak and a monster, things that their parents had told them. But one child stood above them, he was like me. He was the last of his clan and an outcast, he honestly reminds me of Naruto and Sasuke, not only the way that he looks but the way that he acts. I adopted him and we lived together, everything seemed to be fine. But then my mother and father tried to force me into an arranged marriage, I couldn't do anything like that, I just couldn't do it. So I packed up and left, I walked around for a bit and then I ended up here... in the leaf village". The others just stare at me, none dare to speak. "(Y/n)", the Hokage says breaking the silence. "Yes", I reply. "You will be staying here for a few days before we decided what is to happen to you". I nod and look back at Inoichi, he looks like a broken man. I take a seat next to him on the floor, my back against the wall. "Do you miss them?", he asks me. I nod. "Everyday, I miss them with all of my heart". There is more silence before Inoichi speaks again. "Why is it that you started working in the academy?". I look up at the ceiling and sigh. "No matter how you look at it children are the future. If you teach your child to be kind and generous they will be, if you push them away and only show them hatred then that's the type of person they will become. Children are also more understanding and forgiving than adults. They are innocent and the things that happen to them as a child effect them more then if they were to occur while they are adults. But some children, such as Naruto, can fight against that. Even though he has no family and people treating him badly he always smiles and laughs, he is truly strong and I know that one day he will become Hokage... because that's his dream".

Sorry for the delay on chapters. I've been working quite a lot this week so I haven't found any extra time and I've also been trying to finish watching Kuroko no basket season three. Anyway thank you for waiting. I'm also so happy to announce that we have 9k reads on this story. Sorry if the story has gone off track a little bit, there hasn't been much Iruka romance or anything but I have a plan so do not fear. This was just more information to back up the character. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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