75. Going home

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Iruka returned to your room alone, the three boys out of sight.

"Where are they?" you ask, swinging your legs over the side of the bed. Iruka hurries to your side and stops you from trying to stand.

"Hold on, you might not be able to support your weight yet," he explains in a panicked fashion. You roll your eyes and push his hands away.

"Don't worry, I've got this," you assure. He sighs and takes a step back, watching as you place your feet on the ground below your bed. You then shuffle off of the mattress and onto the floor, standing for under five seconds before you losing balance. Iruka was quick to catch you, holding you bridal style. You looked up at him with a warm smile, his cheeks immediately turning red.

"Still not used to it?" you giggle, leaning up to kiss his cheek. He gives an awkward nod, avoiding eye contact. You smiled at how cute he was being.

"I wouldn't mind if you never got used to it, the way you react to me shows just how much I affect you," you smirk. Iruka chuckles and sits back on the bed, sitting you on his lap. His arms snake around your waist while he hides his head in your shoulder.

"I don't think I'll ever stop reacting this way to you," he admits, kissing your exposed shoulder. You leaned into his touch, enjoying the feeling of lips on your skin. You hummed at the sensation but quickly pulled back when you heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. You looked at the door and saw the three boys waiting there, red-faced. You would've moved off of Iruka but you were afraid of falling over again so you remained seated. The atmosphere in the room was awkward but you played it off and smiled brightly at the boys.

"You ready to go home yet?" you ask the three. They all nod in sync, turning and making their way out.

"We'll meet you at home!" Kuro calls, disappearing behind his two older brothers. You let out a long breath and lent into Iruka's chest.

"What's up?" he asks, brushing your hair out of the way so he could fully see your face. You send him a reassuring smile.

"It's nothing really, just that I hate being unable to walk by myself," you explain. He gives an understanding nod and helps you off his lap and onto the bed.

"Wait, what are you doing?" you panic, "You're not leaving me here, are you?" He lets out a quiet laugh before crouching in front of you.

"Of course not, now get on so I can take you home." You oblige and shuffle forward on the bed, leaning forward soon after to land on his back. He lets out a small grunt as you smack forcefully into his back.

"You could've been gentle." You smirk up against his neck, purposefully brushing your lips against his exposed skin like he had done to you earlier.

"Sorry, I don't do gentle." Your smirk grew even more when you saw how red Iruka's face was in the mirror on the wall. Giggling, you wrapped your arms around his neck and snuggled into him.

"I'm just kidding, you're so fun to tease." He nods his head as he lifts you up, holding both your legs to keep you on his back.

"Are you comfortable?" he asks, glancing back at you. Sending him a sweet smile, you nod.

"Yeah, thank you for everything by the way," you whisper into his ear as he carries you out of the room and down the stairs to the first floor. You could tell that he was smiling by the way the muscles in his face moved, you were behind him and could see them contract every so often in what you could only guess was a smile.

Once the two of you reached the reception you were both greeted by many of the medical nin working. Something that weirded you out was the woman working as the receptionist who gave you a pitiful smile as you approached the front desk. She lifts a clipboard onto the counter in front of you and Iruka.

"Could you please sign at the bottom for me, (Y/n)-san?" she asks. Giving a nod, you pick up the pen and sign the bottom of the sheet.

"Thank you," you say, awkwardly trying to bow while on the brunette's back. The woman shakes her head.

"No that's quite alright. Just a side note, you won't be able to walk for a day or so since your muscles are so weak." You sigh and rest your forehead against Iruka's back.

"Okay, thank you again. I appreciate your help and the others who were there to assist me yesterday." She smiles brightly in response.

"That's quite alright, it really is a pleasure having you as a shinobi fighting for Konoha. It was actually stories like yours which pushed me to join the academy and become a ninja," she admits, pink dusting her cheeks. You giggle at her reaction and send her a wink before pinching Iruka's side, causing him to flinch a little.

"Well, we'll be off now. I'll see you around," you announce as Iruka carries you out of the hospital.

"You didn't have to pinch me," he groans, rubbing his side. Since his hand had let go of your leg you began to slip.

"Ah, hold onto me, I'm about to fall off," you squeal, clinging to his back. He chuckles and grabs your leg, repositioning you so that you wouldn't fall.

"I wouldn't let you fall." You roll your eyes playfully, hugging him from behind.

"What are you doing today?" you ask, "If you're free we could hang out." Iruka swallowed hard. He wanted to spend the day with you but he knew he had to see the Hokage first to deliver the doctor's note. He nods, smiling lightly.

"Yeah, we can spend the day together but first there's something I have to do first. It's important that it gets done today," he says. You wondered what it was but brushed it off, not wanting to interfere with his business.

"Okay, that's fine". You looked around and noticed that you were now entering the street that your house was on. Approaching your house you saw Naruto hanging out of the window.

"Hey, (Y/n)! Iruka-sensei! Hurry up!" You giggled as you watched the blonde boy wave to you, Kuro joining him seconds later. Iruka carried you to the front door, Sasuke opened it for the two of you. Iruka walked through the house and stopped in the living room. He helped you off his back and then onto the couch.

"Are you alright if I leave you here?" he asks, obvious concern on his face. You nod and lean in, kissing his lips. He kisses back, a light blush on his cheeks. When you pull away you smile at him.

"I'll see you when you get back," you smile, caressing his cheek with your thumb. He leans into your touch, humming quietly. When he stands he bends down and pecks your forehead before leaving the house to go where it is that he needs to go. You wish he didn't have to but it seemed important, you just wondered what it was.

Not much happened but I still thought it was cute. Hope this story is sttill somewhat interesting. Anway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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