72. Lee

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Kakashi scooped the passed out Uchiha up in his arms and carried him out of the room, leaving you to stand alone in the room's centre. Sure you could leave right now but you couldn't. You needed a second to catch your breath and think everything over. Unfortunately, there was no time left to waste. Time was very valuable and thoughts of the Chunin exam and the ongoing fights fueled you to stay strong. You raised your head and began making your way back to the others. You exited the room with the support beams and into the last one before you would be faced with the ninja who were training to become like you.

You remembered Tenten telling you that she wished to be like you, a strong, dependable kunoichi. You knew that the tear-stained face you currently harboured was not one of the sensei who had faced all of her obstacles with a smile. Neither the face of the woman who trained and talked to them as if she were their second mother. With a few hand signs your face returned to the way it was before, it had been a while since you used a concealing jutsu. A tear-free face for all of those who looked up to you.

You pushed the door open to see two new competitors fighting, Neji and Hinata. The short-haired girl was fighting hard but you knew the results of the match already. You turned your face away from the stage and made your way to the balcony, finding Naruto easily in the group of Genin watching while leaning up against the railing. The hyperactive blonde boy rushed to you, hugging you tightly.

"I won my match", he enthused. Your smile, the one that started off fake became real when you heard that. You kissed his forehead and hugged him back.

"Nice going, kiddo. Technically I'm not allowed to cheer for you but I'll let this off the hook, okay?". He enthusiastically nodded his head.

"Of course, mom". He may not have realized,  but you heard it and it was an effective hit to the heart. Not that it was painful, touching if anything. You felt like you were doing the right thing as a mother and Sensei, every puzzle piece was sliding into place, forming the perfect life you always dreamed of. You released Naruto and watched as he returned to his spot beside Lee, you watched the two talk and couldn't help but smile even wider. You adored Lee for his determination and willpower, traits which he shared with Naruto. As you watched the boys talk you heard Hayate call something.

"The winner is Neji Hyuuga". Hinata was carried out of the room and to the temporary infirmary where all of the injured competitors were taken after their matches. Now there were only four Genin left, two from Konoha, Chouji and Lee, one from Otogakure and the final one was the red-haired Suna boy. You feared for whoever had to face him. His seafoam eyes held resentment and hate, you couldn't determine the reasoning for it but the tattoo on his forehead gave you an idea. 'Ai' or in English 'Love'. Your mind made many connections with the word and the predatory looks he gave to anyone who dared look him in the eye.

All attention was put on the screen as it was announced that the next fighting pair would be determined. The names started to change, eventually stopping on two which made your heart drop.

Gaara and Rock Lee

It wasn't that you didn't believe Lee was strong enough to defeat the Suna nin, but that you knew the danger of facing him. Lee was pumped for his fight and leapt over the railing, landing gracefully on the floor below. Gaara watched his opponent before leaving his place on the balcony, making his way down the stairs to face the energetic boy. He stopped on the floor below, staring at Lee with no emotion.

"Begin", Hayate announced, signalling the beginning of the battle. You watched as Lee charged at Gaara, trying to get some early hits in. But every time Lee tried to hit Gaara, sand would appear and block him. Lee was skilled for his age and handicap of not being able to use ninjutsu or genjutsu didn't stop him. He avoided the sand with his speed, slashing at it with a kunai he had pulled from his side. But it was only a matter of time before the sand caught him, it grabbed the raven-haired boy by the foot and swung him around before finally throwing him at the wall. Even though clearly winded from the blow he leapt to the side and dodged another attack from the sand, now starting to run as the sand followed. It caught up and got under his feet, tripping him over. Your eyes widened as you watched the sand form a hand above the round-eyed boy, ready to crush him to death. You knew just from the look in Gaara's eyes that he was not a man of mercy, if Lee got caught it would be the end of his future as a ninja or even his life.

To your surprise, Lee jumped out of the way just in time to get to safety. He flipped in the air, landing on the statue of the hand signs. He let out a long breath before reaching into his bright orange leg warmers only to pull out what looked to be very heavy ankle weights. A smile stretched across your face and all doubt left your mind as you watched him momentarily disappear, the difference in speed was incredible. You mentally cheered Lee on, watching as he appeared behind Gaara, punching through the sand and almost striking him. Now he showed emotion. Surprise, shock, confusion. Lee continued to strike Gaara, finally getting into a position higher up so he could kick downwards, his foot connecting with the redhead's face. And they kept coming. Gaara's sand wasn't fast enough and with a strong kick, he was shoved to the ground.

After regaining his breath he stood and faced Lee with an insane smile on his face, his skin cracked and falling away. Lee stood his ground and began unravelling the bandages which wrapped around his forearms. You knew so much more was to come from an exceptional ninja like Lee and watched in anticipation as he started running around Gaara so fast that you could barely even see him, only a blur. He then kicked Gaara upwards several times before wrapping his bandages around him, trapping the boy. The the two spiralled downwards, hitting the ground and destroying the tiles beneath them.

You stared into the dust, smiling in victory as it cleared to reveal Lee kneeling beside the hole while Gaara's body lay. It was once the body started to crumble away that you felt a sick feeling in your stomach, much like the one you had gotten earlier when you had come face to face with Orochimaru. Gaara appeared from within a dome of his sand and sent it towards Lee. It was too fast for him to counter so to protect himself he covered his face with his forearms. He was pushed back harshly, hitting the wall behind him. But even so, the boy stood. Determination like his was something that you wished you had in yourself, you greatly admired him for it. He jumped around the arena, dodging multiple sand attacks before a strong chakra force surrounded him. It was as if he was standing on top of a geyser since his hair flew upward due to the strength of the force. He moved quickly to attack, the ground shattering due to the new strength. Lee's foot met with Gaara's chin, sending him flying upwards. He then appeared above him and hit him towards the ground only to move to that spot to hit him again. He continued to strike the redhead until finally using his finishing move.

"Primary lotus!". The two travelled towards the ground at an amazing speed, sending dust and dirt in every direction once they made contact with the ground.

Once the dust cleared you saw Gaara laying still in the crater created by Lee's attack and Lee rolling away due to its sheer force. You wanted to smile, your lips curved upwards before moving down to frown. Your hands gripped the railing in front of you tightly to the point where your knuckles went white. It was the angry, bloodthirsty look in Gaara's eyes and the way he raised his hand in Lee's direction. The sand moved and engulfed one of Lee's arms and legs, crushing them. You turned to see Gai already on the move, stepping in between the Genin to stop the fight. Knowing it was over you leapt over the barrier, running to Lee's side. He cried out in pain, biting his lip harshly to silence himself. You pulled back the material on both his leg and arm, flinching at the sight of such damage and obvious pain. All you could think about was helping him, how were you going to stop the pain? You forgot about yourself and your own problems for a moment before covering your forearms in ice and slamming them into the ground.

The ice broke away, taking the bandages with them. Now your scarred arms were exposed but the thought didn't even cross your mind. Your own wellbeing didn't mean anything if Lee was hurt. You placed your hands on his injured limbs and encased them in ice, making a temporary numbing cast. You then picked up the boy and shot a look at Gai who stood in the same spot, watching you. His eyes travelled down your damaged arms and to the boy you held within them.

"I'm taking him to the hospital", you say sternly. He doesn't say a word or moves a muscle, not that there was anything he could do to help. He just sent you a pained nod and returned to his place between Tenten and Neji on the balcony. You ran with Lee in your arms, making your way towards the hospital.

Well shit! I hope that chapter was somewhat interesting. Anyway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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