8.Lots of male attention

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I woke up to the knock on my apartment door. I stood up and sleepily walked over to see who it was. At first I thought it would be Naruto or maybe even Sasuke but oh how I was wrong. Izumo and Kotetsu stood happily in front of my door. "Good morning", they say in unison. "Oh hey guys", you yawn. "Did we wake you?", Izumo asks. You nod. "Yeah you did but its fine, I should've already been awake". "We came to ask you something", Kotetsu says. "Ok uh what did you wanna ask?". "Today we have the day off so we were wondering if you wanted us to show you around the village?", Izumo says with a hopeful smile. "Yeah that would be great, you can come in if you want, I just gotta get changed". The two ninja nod and follow you into your apartment.

You disappeared into your room and came out out in some casual clothes. (Dress above and any shirt under it that you want^^). "Ok I'm ready to go", you say. Izumo and Kotestu just stare at you with wide eyes. "Is something wrong?". "N-no everything is fine", Kotetsu stutters. You just giggle. "Well lead the way, I have no idea where I am going". They nod and you three leave the apartment. 

At first they showed you where the hospital was and then the main shopping area. You didn't notice it but you were attracting a lot of attention, a lot of male attention. Izumo walked on you right side and Kotetsu walked on your left, sending glares to anyone brave enough to come up to you. "Hey do you know any good places to get ice cream?", you ask. The two nod and lead you over to a small shop that they said sold the best ice cream. Izumo and Kotetsu said that they would wait outside for you.

You went in and got two scoops of your favorite ice cream and then left. But when you got outside you couldn't seem to find Izumo and Kotetsu. You just shrugged it off and then began walking around by yourself.

You didn't notice the men at first but soon it became hard to ignore. They undressed you with their eyes, creeping you out with their smirks. You felt someone tap you on the shoulder  and you spun around. A tall man stood behind you, you would be lying if you said he wasn't attractive. "Good morning miss, what are you going walking around by yourself?', he asks reaching for your hand. "I'm just walking around and eating ice cream". "How about you come back to my place you and you can lick my ice cream all you want", he winks. You turn around and begin walking away. "No thanks". "It wasn't a question it was a demand". He grabs your wrist and tries to pull you to him, but being a ninja you weren't falling for it. He pulled you and you flipped him onto his back and held an ice kunai to his neck. "Well then you should stop demanding before you end up in hospital or worse". "Y-you're a ninja", he stutters. "Uh yeah. what have you never seen a ninja before cause your village is full of them?". He shakes his head and quickly runs away. I sigh and find a cafe to sit in. I order a drink and rest my cheek in the palm of my hand. I wished that Zabuza was still here to beat up guys for me, it was more fun that way.

You were sipping at your drink when you heard a voice from a table beside you. "You know you shouldn't threaten citizens", it says. I turn my head and look at the person. "Well citizens shouldn't demand sexual favors from me", I say. "Good point", he says. I noticed that he looked quite familiar. "Have we met before?", I ask. He shakes his head. "Nope I have never met you". Suddenly you when you say him. "Oh I know you, you were watching we talk to Sasuke from the trees yesterday". He blushes a bit behind his mask and rubs the back of his neck. "Uh yeah sorry about that". "Its fine". You continue to sip at you drink and nearly spill it all over yourself when a man in a bright green jump suit runs into the cafe. "Kakashi my old rival! Are you ready for another competition?", he asks. Kakashi sweatdrops while I just giggle. The green man turned to me when he heard my giggle. Before you knew it you were being dipped by this strange man. "Why haven't I seen a youthful beauty such as yourself around the village before?", he asks. "I moved here a few days ago".  "Please accept my welcome gift of a kiss on your cheek". You entire face turned red as you saw his puckered lips coming closer and closer to you. Quick think (Y/n) think. Um I've got it! You do some quick hand signs and there you go. A successful substitution jutsu. The man kisses a chair and then looks and sees you sitting in the same spot as before. "How did you-". "I'm a ninja", you say bluntly. "Ok then pretty kunoichi, my name is Might Gai", he holds out his hand and you shake it. "My name is (Y/n)". 

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