80. Interruption

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Another week went by and now it was now finally time for the final part of the Chunin exams, one on one battles. Naruto was supposed to face Neji first which you worried about, you didn't doubt Naruto's strength but Neji was a strong and intelligent shinobi. Pairing that with his byakugan made him a formidable opponent, one which shouldn't be taken lightly. You awoke in the morning with a letter left on your bedside table, it looked as if Naruto had left early to meet with Jiraiya before the final exam.

You let out a loud yawn and rolled over, finding Iruka sleeping soundly beside you. He was snoring quietly which you couldn't help but find cute, if you listened carefully you could mistake for a cat purring. Moving closer, you snuggled up to him and went back to sleep. If you were allowed go and watch you would already be up but going would break the rules. There would be a lot of people there, you just wished that you weren't stuck at home and even if that rule didn't exist, you still wouldn't be able to attend. Iruka had to work today so he would have to leave soon, forcing you to stay home. Within the last week, you had more people visiting, Haruka came over with baby Tsuki nearly every day and even Akira and Daichi would come over occasionally to check up on you.

When you woke for the second time, the bed was empty and there was another note left on the bedside table next to Naruto's.  You let out a long groan, pouting as your glared at the ceiling.

"Why is everyone leaving me?" you mutter angrily. A giggle made your eyes drift over to the door where Kuro stood, quietly laughing at you. Wanting a hug, you sat up and opened your arms to the blonde boy, smiling lightly at him. Seeing the gesture, he ran in your direction, leaping into your arms.

"I'm about to leave for the academy now," he whispers. You sigh and hold onto him tightly.

"No, please don't go," you beg playfully. He laughs louder as he tries to escape your hold, eventually giving up and resting his head on your shoulder. There was a moment of silence before Kuro decided to speak.

"Hey um, do you get lonely staying home all day?" he asks. You smile and nod your head.

"Yeah, but I'm fine just as long as you come home afterwards and tell me everything that happened, I'll be fine. Also, I'm sure that it will be over soon and I'll be able to leave again." He smiles and moves back, placing a kiss on your cheek.

"I love you, mom, I have to go now though." You release him and wave as he leaves the room. Watching him leave made you a little sad, you always wore a wide smile when they asked about how all this was affecting you but all you wanted was to get out there. You felt trapped like you had when you were living with your parents, you hated to compare it to that. You were just grateful that here you had people who cared for you, rather than living where everyone looked down on you.

After remembering all of that, you forced yourself out of bed and decided to make yourself some tea. While waiting for the water to boil there was a knock at the door. Curious, you walked to the front door and opened it, surprised to see Haruka standing before you with Tsuki in her arms.

"Oh, good morning, Haruka. I didn't know you were coming over," you greet, smiling at the brown-haired woman. She returned the gesture, offering Tsuki to you. You took the little girl, cradling her in your arms.

"Well, Kuro came over before heading to the academy and said that you were feeling lonely. He wanted me to come over." You chuckle, raising an eyebrow.

"So the only reason you came to see me was because my son told you to," you tease. She laughs, shaking her head as she enters your house.

"No, of course not. I've been coming over every day without him telling me to, I also planned to come over anyway. You aren't the only lonely one, y'know." You smirked and followed her into the kitchen, watching as she took over the tea making while Tsuki attempted to grab a handful of your hair. You let her catch your finger instead, sitting her on your lap as you took a seat at the table.

"Lonely, huh? If you're so lonely, why don't you call Kakashi over or something?" you suggest. Her face turned bright red but she didn't acknowledge your comment. She grabbed two cups and filled both with tea, placing one on the table for you. You took it by the handle, taking a sip while trying to keep it away from the grabby baby in your lap.

"So how are you and Iruka?" she asks, taking a seat across from you. You looked down into your cup, smiling into the sweet smelling liquid.

"Since I can't go anywhere without him we've had a lot of time to spend together. It's been fun, we go out for walks nearly every night and with all of this free time I've been able to teach him how to cook. He's also gotten so much closer to Kuro while Sasuke and Naruto have been away, I'm really happy with how everything is," you say. She smiles gently at you, finishing her tea quickly before getting up to fill her cup.

"Does this mean that you're gonna ask him to move in with you?". You blushed at the thought of having Iruka live with you permanently.

"I'm not sure, Zabuza and I didn't move in this quickly."

"I know that but this is different. So what? After this break is over he's gonna move back into his apartment? You two have already gotten so used to being this close, waking up next to each other and spending every spare minute together," she reasons. Letting out a long sigh, you put your cup down and adjust Tsuki who was trying to grab your hair again.

Remaining silent, you stared down at the baby in your lap. There was no point in arguing with Haruka, she was right. She giggled, smiling cockily at you.

"See, you know I'm right." You nod your head, opening your mouth to respond when you heard the sound of a loud explosion. Your eyes widened, instinctively pulling Tsuki closer to your chest. Haruka dropped her cup, having it shatter on the floor when she heard it. You ducked down and pulled Haruka with you, placing baby Tsuki in her arms. 

"Stay down and barricade yourself in my room, I'm gonna go check this out."

Shit's going down now. Hope you've enjoye the chapter. I also wanted to address that this story will end soon so thank you for your reads and support. Anyway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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