64. Unknown festival

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"So where are we going?", you ask the brunette. He blushes a little as your hand gently brushes against his. "Well I mentioned this earlier but every time we eat somewhere it doesn't work out so I thought we could get food and go and somewhere to watch the fireworks". You turned your face towards him, raising an eyebrow. "Fireworks? Why would they have fireworks?". His eyes widened a little. "Didn't you know? There's a festival on currently". You blushed and let your gaze fall to the ground. "Wow this is embarrassing, I had no idea. If I knew I would've bought a yukata or something". He quickly shakes his head. "That's not necessary". You giggle. "No its fine, I'd love to wear a yukata again. It has been a long time since I've been to one...", you trail off. "Oh yeah? When was the last time you did?", Iruka asked, sounding interested. You tapped your chin as you tried to remember. "I was about 8 or 9, it was an ice festival which was held every year. I can barely remember it but the sight of the fireworks never left my mind, the colors were limited to white and blue since it was a festival celebrating the ice and snow but they were still amazing". You turned to look at Iruka, seeing that his eyes were already on you. When your eyes met he quickly looked away with a red face. You giggle and subtly slip your hand into his. "Why is your face so red, Iruka?". He doesn't look up. "W-well when you were talking about how amazing the fireworks were I-I um...". You sent him a soft smile. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, just know that I'd be happy to listen". He looks up at you, only now realizing that the two of you were holding hands. He snaps out of his thoughts and focuses on the road ahead of you, now seeing how close you were to the festival. "It's just up there". You nod and let him lead you through the decorated streets.

The walls were covered in decorations and lanterns of a variety of colors, adding to the lively neighborhood. "This is amazing", you whisper. Iruka smiles at the ground, pulling you over to a bunch of stalls. "What do you wanna get?", he asks. You look at each one, finally pointing to one which was serving (food). He happily walked over with you, paying the man before he handed you a plate of (food). "Anything else?". You felt hesitant since you didn't want him to spend too much money on you. Your eyes darted to a dango stall before quickly looking away. Iruka noticed this and took your hand, pulling you over. "Four dango please". You turned to the brunette with a look of worry. "Please Iruka, you don't have to do this". He shakes his head, receiving the sweets from the woman. "Its fine, I just wanna make this a good date", he says, blushing. "Aw", you coo. "You don't have to do that, Iruka. All the times we've gone out have been good, you don't have to try so hard, I really enjoy your company". His face turns even redder. You giggle and pull out your wallet. "Now what do you want?", you ask, taking out some coins. "Oh nothing, you don-". You shake your head. "Come on, let me get you something. You were working really heard today". He bites his lip as he averts his eyes, damn was he shy. Suddenly his stomach growled loudly, if his face could get any redder it would've. You let out an amused chuckle before leaning over and placing a kiss on his cheek. "Come on, pick something". He sighs and hesitantly picks a ramen stall. You drag him over and pay, taking a bowl of ramen and handing it to Iruka.

"The fireworks are about to start!", someone yells. You quickly teleport the two of you onto one of the many rooftops, taking a seat. "What are we doing up here?", he asks. You pat the spot beside you. "We're gonna watch the fireworks up here". He takes a seat by your side, still looking slightly confused. "Why up here? Everyone else is down there", he says, pointing to the packed streets. You blush lightly as you look down at the food you had chosen which sat on your lap. "I've never been a fan of crowds so I usually find a secluded area to watch. If you want to go down and be with the rest of Konoha I understand, you are from here after all...", you trail off. There was a hint of sadness in your voice, you didn't want him to go but if he wished to be with his village then who are you to stop him. "Why would you think that?", he asks softly, placing a hand on your cheek to get you to face him. "Well, some people are very devoted to their village, who am I to stop them from what's most important to them". He looked serious as he spoke. "You are the most important thing to me".

The fireworks started to go off, snapping you out of your daze. Both you and Iruka's faces turned red with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I'm an idiot for sayi-". You started to giggle, having to pull away in order to place your hand over your mouth. "Damn it Iruka, I feel like a teenager again". He smiled lightly at his lap before turning to you. Without warning, he cupped your face and placed his lips on yours. The kiss was very passionate and not as clumsy as the first one had been. Eventually, he pulled away, looking away as he returned to his spot behind you. The two of you sat in silence, too flustered to say a word. "Are you two gonna sit there in silence or what?", Asuma asks, taking a long drag of his cigarette. You and Iruka both turned your heads to see Asuma and Kakashi standing the roof of the building next to yours. You both blushed and shook your heads. Kakashi chuckles and jumps over to the roof you were sitting on. "Why don't you two come to the bar with us, we're all gonna get drinks?". You turned to Iruka. "Do you wanna go?", you ask. He nods and gets up, helping you to stand. "Alright then, let's go".

Well, let's hope you don't drink too much, oh what a travesty that would be. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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