31. The fate of the Tsukiko clan

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Kuro, Naruto, Sasuke and I sat at the dining table and ate the breakfast I had made. It was quiet, no one dared to speak. I had no idea how to break the ice, I was awkward and Kuro hadn't had much experience in situations like these, by these I mean social situations. Sasuke was just usually quiet so I wasn't too sure what he was thinking, he was hard to read. However Naruto... Naruto didn't seem to read the mood and just started talking. "How old are you?", Naruto asks, his bright blue eyes shining. Kuro looks up from his food, a smile coming to his face. "Oh I'm 12". "That's cool, that means you're only a year younger then me and Sasuke. Are you gonna join the academy? We have our graduation coming up soon and I'm going to pass so that I can become the Hokage! I will be the best Hokage and everyone will notice me and stop treating me like a pest", he announces. Kuro's eyes light up. "Really!? I really wanted to be the village leader in my village but it is passed down through family so I probably won't be it, but I do want to become a very strong ninja, I am the last of the Tsukiko clan, I will restore it and everyone will know about me and the powers of my kekkei genkai!". I chuckle and watch the exchange. If I didn't already know the two boys I would mistake them for brothers. They both have spiky blonde hair and one of Kuro's eyes is blue just like Naruto's. "Wow what's your kekkei genkai? Does it have to do with your eyes? I think your eyes are pretty cool, you have two different colors. When someone asks what color your eyes are, do you pick one or do you say both? Can you see through stuff? Is it like byakugan? A girl in my class has byakugan, her eyes look different from yours though...".

"Of course its not byakugan baka, he said he's from the Tsukiko clan, only the Hyuuga clan have it", Sasuke mutters. Naruto nervously rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry I guess I got a little excited, I love making new friends". Kuro's eyes widen. "Y-you want to be my friend?". Naruto enthusiastically nods. "Yeah and even better, now we are brothers! Its so cool, now I have two brothers, I have you and Sasuke". Kuro's smile slowly faded and he sadly looked down at the table. "Hey are you Ok?", Naruto asks. Kuro sighs and this seems to get Sasuke's attention. You place your hand on top of Kuro's head and give him a sad smile. "You don't have to say anything if you don't want to, I am always here for you, remember that". He nods and continues to stare down at the table. "I used to have an older brother, mother, father and a younger sister but they're all gone now". "What happened?", Sasuke asks. He doesn't bother to meet Kuro's gaze. "My older brother was ordered to kill my clan for the sake of the village, my clan was getting fed up by the way they were treated and were trying to turn the clans against the village leaders. I only survived because I hid, I made a clone of myself and he killed it instead of me. I wished I had been able to make to my sister in time but...". You lift Kuro's chin and wipe away his tears. "I'm weak", he whispers. You shake your head. "You were young and you were scared, you did what anyone else would do". He takes a deep breath and then rubs his eyes. "After that I wanted to hunt him down and kill him, he killed my entire family, my entire clan and I was all that was left. I wanted to avenge them but then I found out about the order, (Y/n) told me. I also found out that once he left the village he killed himself and left a suicide letter. On it he said that he regretted everything and he only did it because they threatened other people and clans in the village, he wasn't the type of person to lash out at his clan and kill them. When he killed my clone he told it that he was just testing his strength to see if he was the strongest of our clan, he was lying. No one would ever do that, especially to their family, my brother loved his family and I know that he would never do something like that to us...", he trails off. Naruto hops off his seat and walks around the table to Kuro. He suddenly hugs the crying boy and reassuringly rubs his back. "I've never had a family before but I will protect this one with my life". Kuro smiles into Naruto's jacket and sits back up at the table.

Suddenly Akira and Daichi walk into the room in their underwear. "Good morning", they yawn. You send them a glare and kick them across the room. "Put on some pants and a shirt and try that again", you growl. They nod and hurry off to their room. You let out a long sigh and slip back into your seat. "So what's your kekkei genkai?", Naruto asks. Kuro smiles and lifts up both of his hands. "Can I do it in here?", he asks you. You nod and watch. Kuro's blue eye glows and his left hand turns to water, his red eye does the same and his right hand turns to fire. He brings his hands together and steam forms with a loud sizzle. "That is so cool!", Naruto exclaims. You smile and notice the look on Kuro's face. It was the look he gave you when you asked him if he wanted you to adopt him, pure happiness.

Now we have a back story on Kuro. He will be a year younger then Naruto and Sasuke so he won't be in their academy class. Sorry I haven't been putting Iruka in that much, I will make it more about you and him later on. I have an event which I think will bring you closer. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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