30. I promise

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I knock and slowly open Naruto's bedroom door. I was surprised to see not only Naruto in there but Sasuke too. They were sitting next to each other on the bed, talking about something. When I came in they looked up at me and then away. I sigh and leave the room, picking up a book from an unpacked box in the hallway. I walked back into the room and placed the book on my lap, opening it. This was no ordinary book, it was filled with photographs I had taken and collected of the years. The first picture in there was of Akira, Daichi and I as kids, we were having a snow ball fight. I smile down at the picture and then turn the page. It was me in a hospital bed holding two babies. My babies. "Who's babies are those?", Naruto asks. I sigh and look up at the boys with sad eyes. "They were mine". Their eyes widen and they look down at the picture again. "What happened to them?, Sasuke asks, breaking the silence. "A week or so after they were born they got sick and... they didn't make it". "Were they Zabuza's?", Naruto asks. I nod and turn the page, the next picture was the two baby boys in a hospital crib. "My fate was to marry a man I would never love and bare his children. Never meaning anything to anyone or being useful in any way. But I turned my back on my destiny and found another path. I got stronger then I could've ever imagined, I fell in love, I had children and then... I lost it all. Everything went back to the way it was in the beginning, I was alone again. I went back to my parents, but I was lucky enough to still have Akira and Daichi. Even though I had left them to pursue another path they welcomed me with open arms. After many experiences working in Kirigakure I discovered that I wanted to teach, to aid young ninja and make them into fine shinobi. It was at the academy in my village where I met Kuro. He was the last of his clan, an orphan, an outcast. I remember my first day coming into the academy. The students all knew about me, I was the unwanted daughter of the village leaders, worthless and pathetic. They called me a freak and such and Kuro stood up for me, he understood me and we became close. I adopted him because not only did he need someone, he reminded me of myself. When I was younger I wanted to become village leader and soon after I found out that was impossible I discovered the position of Mizukage. It was a dream come true for them to ask me but I have everything I could ever want right here".

I look up and see Naruto and Sasuke staring at the floor, not wanting to meet my gaze. "Why did you adopt us?", Sasuke asks. I lay back on Naruto's bed and look up at the ceiling. "My sons, Zen and Heiwa, If they were to live now I would want them to be like the two of you. Not only that but the both of you reminded me of my self when I was young. Naruto, so happy and enthusiastic even when he has been put through hell by other and  as I got older, Sasuke pushing away his emotions and wanting to grow stronger to reach his goal. I wanted my sons to be like that, like you. I don't care if they're trouble makers or if they're outcasts. They are mine and I would never trade them for anything. You could offer me the another childhood, a life of friends and family and I would turn it down. All I want is my sons, mine", I say whispering the last part. Naruto took the book from my hands as you sat up and opened it to a random page, it had a picture of you in a hospital bed, your arms wrapped in bandages. Naruto reached for your arms but you pulled away. He looked up and met your gaze, he could see the fear in them. He reached out again and you closed your eyes, tensing. He unwrapped your arm and gasped. "What happened?". I look down at the marks, the scars. "Genjutsu, I used it to hide my shame. In the darker times of my life I just wanted to die, I've tried to kill myself twice and failed both times. But maybe that just means its not my time yet. This village is a paradise to me, everyone I meet is so kind and I just can't stop smiling". Tears streamed down your face and you didn't bother to stop them. Naruto suddenly hugs you and soon after Sasuke joins too. "No matter what you are both special to me, Kuro is part of our family and I want you to treat him like a brother would. Please, do it for me". They nod and hug you tightly. "I promise", Sasuke whispers. "I promise", Naruto repeats. They both pull away and I place a kiss on each of their foreheads. "You boys mean the world to me". They smile and watch as I disappear out of the room.

I head back to my own and open the door to see Kuro sitting up and reading a scroll. He looks up as I come in, his eyes widen. "You've been crying", he worries. I laugh and rub the back of my neck. "Its fine, don't worry about me". He nods and watches as I sit on the edge of the bed and wipe away my tears. "Will they accept me?", he asks suddenly. I look over at him and see a hopeful glint in his eyes. I nod and send him a reassuring smile. "Yes, I promise".

Sorry for the cliffhangers. I didn't know what to update today so I just did this one. I usually do the one I haven't updated for the longest time. I just finished one of my other stories as well so updates may not be as long as they used to be, but then I did start another story. Well anyway let me just thank you all for your support. You all really seem to like this story and I enjoy writing it. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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