88. Attack

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"She was definitely here," Daichi muttered, glaring down at the long dead camp fire. At this point the four shinobi were almost at the border.

"Does that mean..." Iruka trailed off. Kakashi nodded, standing from his crouched position.

"They've already passed the border and they're now in the land of hot water." Akira clicked his tongue, gloved hand clenched into a fist.

"I can't believe that bastard actually took her," he growled, finding it hard to hide how much this was effecting him. Daichi rushed over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"There's no point in getting upset now, we'll get (Y/n) back," he assured. Akira huffed and brushed his partner's hand off, not in the mood for any of this. All he wanted was to go back to leaf village and for you to be there, safe. He took several deep breaths, managing to calm down a little.

"Let's keep moving," Kakashi interrupted, turning to the others. Everyone nodded and began running in the direction of the border. So far they hadn't come across any rogue ninja, saving them a lot of time. They also stopped rarely, all of them having the energy to keep going. Even if their bodies were exhausted, their minds were far from it. Their determination to find you was strong, so much so that it pushed them far beyond their limits. They would stop at nothing until they found you, Kaito wasn't going to get away with this.


Every night you would stop, Kaito would tie you to a tree and set up camp. He'd make a small fire and cook dinner on it then the two of you would sleep for the night. In the morning, he would use the dying fire to make breakfast, then he'd pack up, untie you and carry you over his shoulder. He was well built and able to deal with your weight for long periods of time, rarely having to change arms.

Right now, you were being carried. That morning, you had left your camp from within the land of hot water. At this moment, you could tell Kaito was struggling with carrying you. The air was a lot heavier, due to the hot springs. You looked back at Kaito, only being able to see tha back of his head, but his panting gave away how exhausted he was. Heaving a sigh, you stared back the way you had come.

"Kaito, take a break if this is tiring." He puffed and kept going, stumbling over his own feet.

"I-I can do it, I need to make it to the border." You glared at the ground, noticing a sound coming from the bushes behind you. Your head perked up, putting up your guard even though you were physically incapable of doing anything. Hearing even more noises, you became uneasy.

"Kaito, stop and take a break. You're exhausted and I think someone is following us." You were begging at this point, not wanting rogues to come out and snatch you when you were weakened. There was a high bounty on your head which they could cash in or they could take you for... other reasons. You cringed at the thought, staring down at your bound arms. You pulled lightly at the chain but nothing happened, not that you expected it to.

Returning your attention to your surroundings, you watched someone jump out of the bushes. They were dressed fully in black, a kunai in hand. This happened again at all angles, it was an ambush.

"Dammit, Kaito," you swore. He looked up, eyes widening as he looked around at the ninja that surrounded him.

"Hand over the girl," one spoke up. Something snapped in Kaito which caused him to grip you tightly. His body began to lower, placing you on the ground. Since you couldn't feel your legs, you found difficulty in sitting up. He lay you down carefully before the assault began. Not caring about the results any longer, you closed your eyes and breathed out. The sound of movement was loud in your ears, the slash of flesh ripping becoming audible within a few seconds.

It was the feeling of that red substance splashing onto your face which made you open your eyes. There you saw him, Kaito, standing alone, body covered in blood which wasn't his own. Bodies of the ninja lay spread across dirt path, blood soaking into the earth. Kaito turned his head, an insane glint in his eye. When he caught your gaze, he moved over to you slowly. Sliding one arm under your legs and the other behind your back. Lifting you up, he stared at you with insane lustful eyes. Never before had you seen someone look at you with such desire and sick intent, but this lasted barely a second. After blinking, you received one of Kaito's reassuring smiles.

"Is something wrong, my love?" he asked, adjusting his hold on you. Quickly shaking your head, he let out a satisfied chuckle. He lent in, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

"I will never let anyone take you away from me," he whispered against your ear. The feeling of his breath sent shivers down your spine, the unpleasant kind. After being kidnapped, you worried about what he would do to you. Rape was your worse concern, especially since your legs didn't work. And that fear grew even larger after the way he had looked at you just now. Hating to feel fear, you kept a straight face and didn't pay anymore attention to it. No way would you show vulnerability in front of him.


7 hours later

Akira clicked his tongue, kicking one of the bodies out of pure rage.

"How long do you think they've been here?" Iruka asked, rolling one over to look at their wounds. Kakashi hummed while inspecting another.

"Hours, maybe 6 or 7."

"Do you think that Kaito did it?" Daichi asked. The silver-haired jonin shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm unsure, give me a second." He bit his thumb before performing a summoning jutsu, Pakkun appearing.

"Something you need?" the pug asked, looking up at the masked man. Kakashi nodded, pointing to the bodies and the general area they were in.

"Can you tell us if (Y/n) or Kaito was here, his scent is on the scroll." He offered it to Pakkun who gave it a sniff before wandering the area. He stopped in the center after doing his rounds.

"The bodies are covered in the guys scent and the ground here," he paused, prodding at the ground with his paw, "Is the only place I can smell the woman." The masked ninja thanked the dog before it disappeared in a puff of smoke. Kakashi stood and turned to the others, sending them a closed eyed smile.

"This is good." Akira, who on this mission was constantly in a bad mood, gritted his teeth.

"How is this good?" he challenged. Daichi attempted to approach and calm him but Iruka stopped him, knowing that it wasn't a good idea. Kakashi turned and began walking.

"This means we're on the right track."

I love yandere's and that is why I have Kaito here to steal (Y/n) away. Hope you're enjoying the story still. It's quite long so yeah. Anyway, thanks for reading :)

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