The Girl In The Wheelchair (NaLu Fanfic)

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It only took a few seconds when Lucy Heartfilla had a life changing moment. She was known as the quiet girl who has never gone to school and stays at home all the time. She was not allowed to go outside because it was her punnishment.She didn;t listen though because she loved being outside with the sun shining bright on summer days and even when it's raining on dark cloudy days; Lucy would always go outside and sit on the porch. Lucy's on the sunny days she loved watching across the street. There was a field/park and every season there would be a game of baseball from two different highschools and she would watch the game on her porch. Even though she was far away from the field she still got the perfect veiw of it my from porch. She wouldn't dare go across the street because her father comes and goes without her knowing and he found her outside she would have to be punnished.

One sunny day Lucy was watching the baseball team practice in the field. With her stomach rumbling she went inside to make a sandwich. She was only gone for a few minutes until she came back to the front porch when she saw a girl with blue hair in her yard looking for something. Before Lucy asked her what she was looking for the girl got up and started running back to the base ball field. When the girl tripped in the middle of the street. Lucy noticed a fimilair black sports car speeding down the road. The driver was being reckless and crazy because he was swerving and speeding. when the girl got up she froze because she was afraid of the car that was coming straight at her.

Lucy, being the person she was ran out to the street and pushed the little girl out of the way and tried to run back; but it was in those few second on her turning around when the car had hit her in the back. The players from the baseball team heard the accident and came running towards where it happened. Before Lucy had blacked out all she had saw was two blurry with blue and pink hair. When she woke up againshe was in the hospital and that same day she was then fated to be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

A/N: Hello everyone, this might be weird seeing this but I will be editing chapter of this story and others in my other books, but it shouldn't change very much.

P.S This is dedicated to StarOfTime

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