-CHAPTER 20- Demise of the Cock, Part One (re1)

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        We all stood outside now, the dark air of night smelling moist. I always loved nights like these, where the air flew like a sponge. The sounds of insects had warmed up the atmosphere. The houses all around us, in this little, rich neighborhood, danced to the tune of their own electric bills. 
        "Gwyllomay, you gonna open up the portal now?" Daniel stepped forward behind my back. 
        General Brandon Yuichi, Grace, and Daniel all huddled behind me. 
        Oh, where are my manners? I'm forgetting one important piece in all of this!
        Elizara Roselein had loyally positioned herself to the right of Grace. The ashen-ivory of her incredibly long locks reflected back the moon's motherly light. Elizara was a hottie, no doubt about it.
        "Yes, lord- This is a good inquiry. When shall you open the gate? If you feel too weak, I shall assist you." She exhaled in her sultry accent. 
        I grinned, staring out into the navy-blue in front of me. "That's quite alright. Truth be told, oddly enough, no one need open a portal tonight, at all."
       "Wh- What?" Elizara widened her eyes. 
       "Um. Are you playin', homie?" Daniel scratched at his cheek, his fangs dipping out slightly. "You said you were gonna-" 
       "Elizara, you feel him too?" I turned around, my thin lips curling into a smile. 
       "Ah, yes. Yes! It's-" 
       "Who?" General Brandon put a hand on Elizara's shoulder, pulling out a long pistol from his belt. 
       My currant irises, slightly steaming, glowed. "Say, Daniel, whatever happened to your 'Allison' friend?" 
       Daniel shrugged. "Right. Uh, I wasn't able to find her. I'm not sure where she ran off to." 
      "I see. Nonetheless, tonight's special guest, which we need not go to Polidoria for," I licked my lips. "is none other than Pimalygos. He's coming to pay us a little visit! Mhmhmhm. Mhmhmhm!" 
      Elizara slowly undid her shoulder from Brandon's grip. "L- Lord-" 
      "He's here." I grabbed at the air.
      In front of me, giant black swirls began to twist and turn in the night. The middle of the road now sat as a location for the manifesting of a big, red gate. This gate shot out in all directions, extensions curly and long. An oriental design, the loud roaring of cranes and chains dug into the blacktop of the neighborhood's road. 
      Out from the giant portal, a young man with matted, black hair and red eyes turned up to meet my gaze. 
      "Lord Gwyllomay, I've come here to kill you. The one true master in my life is Lord Quilke. GHHHahaha!" Pimalygos' black robes huddled around him as his feet covered themselves in tan sandals. 
       I held my arms out in front of me, unable to bottle in my own cackles. "Oh, how long it's been since I've gotten to send one of my own to the belly of the abyss! Mhmhmhm. Please, Pimalygos, eat me up all you want! Take every bite out of me of which you can muster. Satiate yourself on my flesh, you naughty boy! But it won't matter. In the end, I'll still come back for more... in order to give you a good throttling with my hands jammed down your throat! Oh, wouldn't you like that? Bahahaha!" 
       "Oh my fuck! Whose side are we on, again?" Daniel shivered. 
       Brandon put his fingers to his chin. "The fucking weird one, I'd say." 
       "Says the guy who shows up to my house at eleven'AM, drunk as sin." Grace crossed her arms. 
       Pimalygos clapped his hands as that giant, burgundy gate dissipated behind him. "It's always such a struggle, making a door to another part of the world with your own blood. Say, Gwyllomay, do you plan on fucking my throat with those bare hands of yours?" 
       I rolled my eyes. "If you call me 'master', and get down on all fours, I'm gonna do so much more than just that." 
       Pimalygos put a hand to his eye just then, scratching at his skin. "I'm so excited then! Come on, show me what you've got. I serve Quilke now, forever more!"
       I yawned as Pimalygos raced at me, zipping through my vision and appearing in front of my stance. 
       "Oh, you know, I always did love surprises. And with you this close, I'm practically salivating, you handsome man." My hand wrapped itself around my opponent's neck. "Once I'm done with you, I have to go find another human girl real quick. Her name, I believe, was Allison, and she's gone missing." 
      "Oh, that's no fun, fucking some bitch right after you have your way with me! Sorry Gwyllomay, but I like loyal types. I guess you never were that, were you?" 
      "Too bad we were never in a relationship. It's not unloyal if I just wanna be a single slut for a little bit, now is it?" I brought Pimalygos up into the air, my fingers digging into the veins and muscles of his neck. 
       He started coughing, his eyes bulging out. "GHAGH! I always did love being choked! I'm one kinky motherfucker, too, you know?" 
       "You have failed me, Pimalygos. I've been quite proud of the young Elizara Roselein, and yet you dare defy what has been set in stone. Yes, I know the council propped her up, unbeknownst to my will, but she deserved it. And you know that. She is the most studious out of all of you." With my other hand, I dug my nails into Pimalygos' torso, giving him shivers as I riled up his skin.

       "Oh, Gwyllomay! So rough, as always!" 

       "She has come to me, her former Lord, to repent of her perceived faults. As I listened, I began to realize that those mistakes were simply a lack of a good rallying cry from a new leader still finding her bearings. She has yet to form a cult of personality... and yet... she has done nothing completely out of bounds at all, which makes me realize something." 

       "Y- Yes?" 

       "Yes. Yes! That's right!" My eyes steamed, turning completely red, black veins tracing down over my tear ducts. "A conspiracy has been in the works for quite some time now, hasn't it? Tell me, has Quilke Weldspar been brewing something dastardly?" 
       Pimalygos suddenly vanished, dust crumbling in my hands. 
       Behind me, a kick made contact with my spine. "AGH!" I staggered. 
       "Well, well. Look who's on all fours now? I wonder if this'd be a good time to straddle you until you're bleeding from every hole in your body, 'Lord'!" Pimalygos's high-pitched, nasally voice annoyed the hell out of me. 
       "Mhmhmhm! You're quite bold these days. But then again, you have to be. I can see it now. The masochism bubbling up in your soul. You know very well who you're fighting against. And you've come here to throw your life away. Tell me, Pimalygos, does fighting for Quilke make you feel that much nobler than I?" 
       "Master Quilke has the most noble cause in the entire world! He just wants to bring back his lover. He is in love. He's always been in love!" 
       "I see. Well, Pimalygos, tell me something else. What year of the zodiac were you born?" 
       "Wh- What? What does that have to-" 
       "Just tell me." 
       "Tsk. You kinky freak. Like knowing the birthdays of the people you kill or somethin'?" Pimalygos grinned and licked the side of his hand. "What are ya, some kind of zodiac-killer?" 
       "Something like that. Now, tell daddy what zodiac sign you are."
       "You're fucking weird!" Pimalygos stomped on the ground. 
       "I know that." 
       "Like, really weird!" 
       I rolled my eyes. "Uh, yes, and?" 
       "Like, how were you ever lord over Polidoria!" 
       I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not so sure. Maybe because I founded the damn thing?" 
       "Ugh! Whatever! Well, I was born the year of the r- rooster. Chinese Zodiac, right?" 
       "Oh, I see! So you really are a cock then, aren't you?" 
       "Wh- Stop! These gay jokes are getting old, man. I was having fun with it for a little bit, but now it's too intimate." 
       I licked the side of my hand, my eyes lighting up. "Who said I was joking? No need to be so homophobic, you hunk." 
       "GAH! Enough! How dare you make light of Master Quilke's cause! I will end you!"
       My nails grew sharper as the moon's reflection could be seen over them.
       The rush of excitement filled my veins, coursing through my waist.
       My mouth salivated heavily. "And I... will gut you like the traitorous cock you are."    


Repent: Gwyllomay of the Darkness (1.5) (MANUSCRIPT)Where stories live. Discover now