(Arc 4) Chapter 29, I Saw

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    "Ugh. My head hurts so much!"
     One morning, I covered the back of my neck with a fluffy pillow, rejecting whatever social advancements made their way into my room. 
    "Well, there's a haunted house down the street and General Brandon wants to go check it out, so-" 
    "What the bloody hell are you talking about, Grace?" I tossed the pillow off over my head and stared at a buxom woman sitting over my bedside. 
    "Gwyllomay, glad to see you're awake." The girl smiled, pushing a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. 
    "Yes. 'I'm up, I'm up', as they say. Now, what's this about a 'haunted house'?" 
     "It's as I said. There's just some haunted house down the road. Temple is taking a shine to it. We're keeping our guard up. They think it's just a hysteric family, buuut we don't wanna draw any conclusions-" 
     "Wait, wait, wait. Didn't we just -- oh, I don't know -- get our poor little bottoms tossed out of my own kingdom?" 
     "Uhhh. Y- Yes, we did get uplifted by your old friend back there. But it's been about two weeks." 
    My stare froze, lapping up Grace's apprehensive expression. "It's been two weeks? WHAT!" 
    "Yes! You've been out for quite a long time, Gwyllomay." 
    "S- Sorry. Seeing Quilke must've taken a lot out of me." 
    "Hm. We knew you'd be alright but you've been lying in bed for quite a long time. You... haven't fed on people like the other vampyres have, you know? That other female vampyre, Elizara, said you're getting... weaker." 
    "I... actually did manage to sneak a little from Daniel. I- I'm really sorry." I shut my eyes.
    "Well, it obviously wasn't enough though, whatever bits of 'love' and 'humanity' you did manage to 'sneak' from him." 
    "Well, didn't I also make some cool vow about how I was gonna find a way to get back into Polidoria without using the blood contract from the Bibliothek di Shyeh-Sanguinea?" 
     "Hm, yes! That you did. And in fact, we actually think that this haunted house could be a 'way'." 
     "Um, Grace." 
    "How the bloody fuck is a haunted house supposed to get me back into Polidoria?" 
    "Because... General Brandon theorizes that the energies of whatever spirit is haunting the grounds could be harnessed to travel through dimensions. And after all, Polidoria is another world." 
    I shook my head, dizziness still clouding my vision. "How the hell though? Like, how the actual heck? Are we just gonna grab onto some ghost-poon and hope for the best?" 
     "Oh my word. 'Ghost-poon'. That's oddly highly slap-dashed for your sense of vocabulary." 
    "Oh, I know, and I apologize for that. My head is just still spinning. So I'm surprised, really, that I can carry on this conversation with you." 
    "Well, if it's not too much to lay on you all at once, we found Allison." 
    My eyes blinked some, the corneas stinging with dryness. "HNG! You found Allison?" 
    "Yes. It's amazing what you can do with two weeks' time." 
    "Ugh. The fact that it's been so long. The hell else have I missed?" 
    Grace shrugged her shoulders, her bust protruding slightly out of her V-Neck shirt. A freckle clung some to the top of her right breast. "I don't knooow. Aren't you excited that we found Allison though?" 
    I roll my eyes, putting a hand to my forehead. "Of course I am! It's a damn miracle- well. Well, well, well. You know me. I'm quite the 'dirty man'. I don't believe in miracles. How exceedingly naughty! Mhmhmhm. I nevertheless am curious as to how you did it." 
     "General Brandon and Temple. Who else, the actual cops? You must be crazy to believe they'd solve anything!" 
    I put two fingers to my chin. "Heyy, easy on the political commentary there. Hmhmhm. Also, leave it to the 'holy organization' to achieve one of the most holy of accomplishments. I'm quite proud of you all. Now, how did General Brandon find her? Where was- Where had Allison gone off to? How far could one girl have gone after Pimalygos nearly killed Danny?" 
    Grace looked down to the middle of the bed, her round face falling some. "Well, Allison had been kidnapped. But it wasn't by a vampyre. Nor was it by any conventional criminals." Her blue eyes traced my green covers. 
    "Uhm, I don't think I- Wait a fuckin' minute. NO! Don't tell me it was-" 
    "Ricardo." Grace sighed. 
    "Oh my lord. Could Temple have stumbled upon a more annoying renegade? I definitely must hear how this went!" 
    "My goodness, you have a lot of questions. I never really fathomed you to be the inquisitive type. You're a 700-year old 'creature of the night', after all. I thought you'd have it all figured out by now, or that all your questions would be mystically rhetorical or something." 
    I took a deep breath, the grass colored blankets rising. "Hmph. Grace, I do apologize for my loquaciousness. That being said, I'm indeed a manic fellow. Get over it, yeah? I talk a lot. I talk a fuckton!" 
    Grace's azure eyes stayed on me still, her gaze impassive and stapled. 
    "Sorry, I should've made that more sexual." I shut my eyes for a brief moment, drifting my head to the direction of my covered feet. "I talk so much that I fuck the air's trembling body with each masterful beat of my inquisitive tongue!"

Repent: Gwyllomay of the Darkness (1.5) (MANUSCRIPT)Where stories live. Discover now