Chapter 4, She Knew All Along (re1)

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                I wonder just what the hell Antionette, Daniel's sister, is planning to do with me later. Mhmhmhm. Perhaps I shouldn't word it like that, even in my own head. I'll start to think some erroneously erotic thoughts.
           That wouldn't be good for... anybody.
          As we approach the car, Antionette looks up to the sky as she drives her keys into the keyhole of the car.
        "You guys are gonna come to love this place. They even do Dance-Competitions at this store!"

         "No foolin'? Wow, that'll be cool. I know Gwyll has been dying to show off his dance moves." Daniel turns to me, nudging my elbow a little bit.

         I smirk. "Yes. I used to be the judge of many dances back in Pol- Um!" I clear my throat. "I used to judge dances... before I met Daniel."
       "Really? That's quite impressive. So what do you judge, the technicality or the feel?" Antoinette winks at me.
       I flicker my eyebrows twice in response. How can anyone judge the 'feel' of something? That sounds inherently subjective... almost personal. These days, I'm sure, people must be doing it all the time if Daniel's sister is asking me. Hm. Such an odd question... especially to follow it up with a wink like that.
       I thought this girl just wanted to make some dinner. Good lord.
      "I judge the technicality. I've known quite a bit of dances in my time. Where I'm originally from, before meeting your brother, the town I lived in had all sorts of cool... moves."
Good fucking lord. Did I really just say 'moves'? That is not something a noble vampyre says. Gracious!
      "And where are you... from?" Antoinette eyed me down, her key jamming hard into the hole. I kept a poker-face gaze with her. Of course we'd be here. This is only the next logical step. But why ask me a question like that in broad day-light? I'm obviously going to... stretch the truth.
       "I'm from a land southeast of here. England was just so nice though... that I had to move!" I forced a laugh and smile through my ivory button-up shirt.
        Antoinette raises just one eyebrow, her lips furling into a scowl. My word... this woman is scary. "Well, you'll have to tell me more when we cook tonight's meal."
       Ah, yes. Tonight's meal. I'm looking forward to it, madam.
       "Certainly." I tilt my head to the side, my frilly ebony hair spiking up in the back.


        Well, the moon began to rise high in the sky in its Lunar-Halfling form. Grinning, I found myself tying a red apron around my waist as I washed my hands over a large sink. Staring out the window, I caught a reflection of my long rose-earrings. The tiny garlands were always a sign of nobility back in my...homeland.
       "So, Gwyllomay... I know you just got here but I'd love to get to know you some more."Antoinette, her hair tied up, had her violet jacket rung over a light-oak chair.
       I sighed, running a moist finger across the bridge of my nose. "What would... you like to know?"
       "Well, for starters, how good of a cook are you?"
      My cheeks started to feel warm just then. My eyes widening on their own, I came a sudden realization. An odd recollection. I've... never made anything really substantial before. Daniel and I always ordered out, went out, or bought microwavable cuisines.
      This woman... is about to make me her bitch in the kitchen, isn't she? Oh my.
     "I've," Putting on a smile, I caught my breath and inhaled softly... with a side of deeply. "partaken in the creation of quite a few dishes. Perhaps I have yet to dabble in the world over, though what I have laid my hands upon has been a masterpiece."
      Yeah. Take that. Good job, me. That should show this crazy woman who she's talking to. Gwyllomay Polidori, baby!
       "You know... I've never heard someone talk so much only to say so little." Antoinette's eyes lowered as she dawned a white tank top. 
      This lady... knows how to hit where it hurts.
      Sighing, I began to boil some water over a small stove. "Well, I was maybe being a little too overzealous there. I meant to say was- um." My eyes darted to the corner of my vision. I guess I'd have to be honest with this woman. She had the eyes... as well as the demeanor... of a hawk. She seemed to be so in control of her life, primarily because she tended to be... very assertive. If she was so open though, then why couldn't she be honest with her brother about being a vampyre-slayer? Either way... I couldn't wholesomely lie to her henceforth. "What I meant to say... was that I haven't constructed many dishes. I am... an amateur. Yet, what I have made has been pretty choice."
       This woman's eyes rolled. "That's not very surprising. By the way, your speech is so elegant. Where did you learn English?"
        Good question, Antoinette. Where did I learn English?
      "Well..." I reached into a nearby cabinet and pulled out some garlic and boxed-noodles. " a school, like everyone else."
       I can't tell her that I learned 3,000 languages in my homeland of Pol-
      "Getting a bit sassy there, are we?" Antoinette walked over to me and pulled out a bag of chips. Good old potato-slices. So crispy... yet so seasoned. I could smell a chip's scent from miles away. Then again, that was mostly just my talents shining through. Nonetheless... human food is always highly packed with such intoxicating fragrances. The food of my old home wielded more tastes than human food does, however. Thus, I guess it balances out. "You know," Antoinette started up, a cheek saucily full of food and an accent full of... France. "You can call me Grace, by the way. It's my middle name. Antoinette Grace Smithwell. Anyways, have you ever tried these chips? They're pretty salty and wavy."
       "Salty and wavy, you say?" I giggle and proceed to turn the heat down on the stove, then turn my attention to the fridge. "Pardon me, could you hand me the carton of eggs?" 
       Grace puts the bag of chips down, brand-name 'ZTU', as she opens up the black latch on a modern refrigerator.
        At times, I feel too tall in this kitchen. The chairs, the tables, and the 'island'... which sits to the middle of it all further towards the sink... all give off a cramped feeling. The one thing that gives a sense of comfort, then, is the view from the windows. I can eat in the lovely new and warm house of mine whilst still attaining a gorgeous view of the town of Autumnia.
      "Guys!" Daniel suddenly screeches down the stairs from the whole other side of this house and darts for the kitchen. "What. Antoinette. Said. Earlier."
       I raise my eyebrows, my apron coming loose. Oh my. "What Antoinette said earlier?" I lace a finger around a length of my spiky long charcoal hair.
      "Dance Competition! There's a game going on tonight back at Wall And Carriage."
      "Wall And Carriage?" I shrug my shoulders and turn to Ant- Grace. It's Grace now, apparently. I better not be a fool and forget that. The lovely lady wishes I be informal with her. How cute.
        "The place we were at earlier." Daniel rolls his eyes. "You know, where sis had you carry all those groceries?"
        Oh. "Oh." I smile warmly as I see Grace carefully placing the eggs back in the fridge.
      "Well, we should go check it out then... before we finish making dinner. Gwyllomay, could you put a lid on that and turn the heat completely off? Will be gone for about an hour or two." Grace politely requests of me.

        "Certainly." I smile, tweaking the burner down to have it producing no heat.
        "Awesome! So we're going?" Daniel nods to his sister.
        I'd imagine so, Daniel.
      "Yeah. I haven't danced in a while!" Grace smiles and heads over to her jacket.
       Mhmhmhmhm. I feel a strong sense of enthusiasm emitting from this dame. Did she used to dance a lot, perhaps?
       "Great, sis! I'll be right back then. Just gotta get some stuff."
       I smirk warmly, undoing my already naughty apron. Placing it over a cabinet knob, where the handle could have a cloth of some sort go through it, I spin on my heel back to... Grace. Yes. It's Grace now. G-R-A-C-E.
       "You excited to dance, Gwyllomay?" Grace smirks at me, doing static stretches in her coat.
         Inod slowly. "Excited might be a bit overzealous... but I am curious as to what people consider 'dancing' these days."
       It's true. I wonder what humans do for fun these days. Minus Daniel... and another... I've never really gotten close to a human before. I don't really... understand them. I don't understand humans and their souls... yet... I'd like to.
       "Well," Grace applied a lip balm of some sort across her succulent lips. So young. So vibrant. "I can tell you for sure that we don't dance like they do in Polidoria."
       Oh, I obviously wouldn't expect them to- wait. What? Did she just... say what I think she said? My eyes sat wide open, my face an expression of shock and somewhat defeat. Vulnerability. There was now a nervous taste on the tip of my tongue. Spicy, a tad. My gaze shook as I couldn't believe what she just said. The word she just uttered.
       "Okay, I'm back! Let's go." Daniel zipped for the front door in no time, which sat to the side of the kitchen.
       Grace still stood there completely ignoring her little brother. Her lips parted into a triumphant smirk and her eyes reflected a scowl towards me that said... 'I know a lot more about you than you think'. 


Repent: Gwyllomay of the Darkness (1.5) (MANUSCRIPT)Where stories live. Discover now