Chapter 33, Laven Chaos

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    "Holy shit. What is going on here? So many terms were just dropped on my head." Daniel rolled his around as he rubbed the top of his head. 

    I nodded. "Well my friend, I'll explain it all to you later over a nice comfortable table-"
    "Hng. F- Fair enough, my dearest Laven Spirit." I raise my eyebrows. 
    "What! What! WHAT!" Daniel stomped on the basement's solid floor. "Why are you dissing Gwyllomay like this? And what is a 'Laval Sprite'? And if you're not a ghost... then why haunt this place?" 
    The womanly apparition clenched her teeth, her skin wrinkly and charred. "You... are strange. You have... the passion of a human... mixed with the lust of a vampyre. And... HOW DID YOU... EVEN GET 'LAVAL SPRITE'... FROM 'LAVEN SPIRIT'? You... are foolish. Completely... dumb. And... you... talk just... as much as the full-fledged vampyre. How... irritating.
    "Aw, come off it. Do you just not like hearing people talk in general? I've barely said much!" Daniel pouted. 
    "GGGGRRRR!" The apparition clenched its fists. 
    Daniel gulped. "Oh fuck.
    I shrugged. 
    "Gwyllomay, stop shrugging and do something." The young drudge turned his head to me, the dark room around us seemingly encroaching inwards. 
    I ran a finger across my bottom lip and winked. 
    "Dude, are you serious right now?" Daniel rolled his eyes. 
    "I'm not allowed to talk, remember?" I smirked. 
    "How dare you mock me. I DID SINCERELY MEAN FOR YOU TO SILENCE YOURSELF!" The apparition immediately spun around. Her slippery figure suddenly targeted me. 
    "Mhmhmhmhmhmhmhm. I'm terribly sorry, it seems you've just 'sassed' the wrong man." 
    "Not sure how I mocked you." 
    "Sheesh, you women are so hard to please." 
    "Gee, how endearing." Grace rolled her eyes, a bead of sweat falling off her cheek. 
    "I was just telling my friend how I'm not allowed to talk, according to you... and you find yourself enraged at my cooperation? How confusing. Your messages are too mixed, dear." 
    "SHUT UP!
    "Hmph. You're quite the force of consequence, aren't you? Just one big existence of reactionary fire and spite. I'd advise you to try taking responsibility for your own emotions for once... yet it would seem that you are under the control of whoever created you. Someone really wishes for you to be angry and vengeful. Hm. You are the furthest thing from having free will, aren't you?" I sighed. 
    "That's nice, Gwyllomay. Just give it a fuckin' pep-talk. I'm sure ghosts love that." Daniel crossed his arms. 
    "I... do not know... how to... react to this. THE ONE WHO CREATED ME WAS A WONDERFUL CREATOR!
    "And how do you know that he was a wonderful creator? What makes you so certain that he had the best intentions for your prosperity in mind?" My lips straightened themselves. 
    "I... believed him. He told me... I could... eat people." The woman suddenly bent backwards, sounds of wind whipping about. After all, she was only a spirit. 
    "Ah, I see. He told you that you could find sustenance in your victims? A fair enough deal, I see. Hmhmhmhmhm. Perhaps I'd even take it if I didn't know any better. Tell me, if you'd be so kind as to grace me with your knowledge, who is this 'he' in which you speak of?" 
    "HHHEEE TOLD ME NOT TO TELL ANYONE! Said his name... wasn't important." 
    "Well, good luck with that then. All secrets come pouring out eventually." I put a balled up fist to my mouth and turned to Grace and Daniel. "By the way guys, I can't really beat this thing. There's only two ways to kill a faerie. Either use a substance known as 'rose-fire'. Very important that you don't mix that up with 'rose-water' by the way. 'Rose-fire', okay? Hmhmhmhmhm. The second way is that a stronger faerie gobbles up the smaller fey." 
    Grace stepped back some. Her feet shuffled below her, etching into the solid cement of the cellar. Her arms stayed close to her sides. Her fingers shivered some. Down her wrist, I could see a patch of goosebumps. 
    "G- G- Gwyllomay..." The young woman ran a hand through her flaxen locks. "... do you mean to say that you're no stronger than this... spirit?" 
    "That is... precisely what I'm saying. I do not mince my words." 
    "So then... who can-" 
    "I hate to say it... yet it looks like only he can solve this." 
    "Who is 'he'?" Grace's lips quivered. 
    "Uh. I think you know who." 
    "No. No way! You don't mean... Ricardo?" 
    "Not him!" 
    "What?" Grace gasped, her blonde hair rising off her shoulders some. 
    "The general. He has... a piece of Choronzon in him. And Choronzon... is one of the three mo-" 
    "I THOUGHT I SAID YOU WEREN'T TO TALK!" The phantasm of this woman raked her arm across the air of this darkened basement. 
    I clenched my teeth. "You could've warned me before, you know. I had been talking for quite a while. What, did you expect to remember and somehow not get caught up in the orgasm of conversation? Hmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm! AHAHAHAHAHA! Ahhh. You are quite the uptight little spirit, I'll have you know. And do you know what I like to do with uptight people? I like... to make them loose. However... you're in luck! AHAHAHAHAHA! I cannot fight you in hopes of a victory, you damned dame of a ghost."
    "All is fucking lost." Grace rolled her eyes. "We need the general? Really? Why?" 
    "Because, sis. Weren't ya listenin'? Gwyll said that-" 
    "I know, Daniel. I just... find it so strange. Gwyllomay is... the king of all vampyres! And yet... according to his conversation with the spirit... being a vampyre is just one of the many things one can be in this life. And it is not as special as I thought." 
    "Oh, come now. That's a bit insulting to us vampyres, Grace." I crossed my arms and shift my lips downward. 
     "Gwyllomay... I just always thought that vampyres were... the only type of their kind, you know?" Grace's French accent bubbled out from her. 
     I shrugged my shoulders, the tops of my white button-up creasing. "Hmph. I will tell you my story of origin... one day. How Polidoria came to be... and how the race of Polidorians followed henceforth. At this point in time, though, General Brandon Yuichi must bring himself down to our level -- one way or another -- to eradicate this spirit." 

Repent: Gwyllomay of the Darkness (1.5) (MANUSCRIPT)Where stories live. Discover now