-CHAPTER 21- Demise of the Cock, Part Two (re1)

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       "You want me to unleash my full power out on you?" Pimalygos gritted his teeth, his hands going out in front of him. 
      "Hm, what is this 'full power' in which you so speak of?" I teased the damned man. 
      "Hmph! Wouldn't you like to know? It's a 'special' banquet, placed on the followers of Quilke. He promises to bring back the dead. In the new world... the dead and the living shall dance once more!" 
      Slowly, his red eyes began to bleed. His head shaking, the vampyre's skin turned gray. His fingers grew, long and wide. The skin hissed with a brittle crunch. 
      "What?" I stepped back. "I thought only certain kinds of drudges had gray skin. And to be a drudge, you'd first need to be a human!" 
      Pimalygos looked down at my shoes, his glasses snapping into a million pieces off his face. "You don't know what kinds of works and experiments Quilke has been brewing, Gwyllomay." 
      "Hm. You didn't even call me 'Lord' just then. How dare you!" I chortled. "You naughty, naughty boy. A naughty boy... who's now become a gargoyle, apparently. A naughty, naughty gargoyle." 
       Grace shrieked, her arm going out in front of her. "Gwyllomay! Move-" 
       "Shhh!" Pimalygos locked a grip of his stony arm around my neck. "Lord... Gwyllomay... I never cared for you!" 
        "Aw, wow. Shit, that... really hurts my feelings." I spoke through my neck being slowly repressed by my opponent's grip. 
       "What are you gonna do about it?" 
      "What do you mean, 'what am I gonna do about it'? I'll think of something, you dipshit." 
      "D- D- Dipshit?" 
      "What? Got a problem with that word?" 
      "Uh? No! Well, I mean, maybe?" 
      "Ah, and why's that, Pimalygos?" 
      "I- Well, I don't know! It sounds kinda strange, I guess?" 
      "Don't be so picky." 
      "I'm not being picky! You are." 
      "And how's that?" 
      "Because... you picked it. Chose to say that word. Hehehe. Get it? You picked-" 
      "Yes, Pimalygos. Congratulations, your humor is officially the most cancerous thing I've heard all day." 
      "WHAT? Aw, come on! You're a tough crowd." 
      "Might as well just choke me to death now, you know?" 
      "Wh- What?" 
      "No balls, though. Won't do it. No balls!" 
      "What the fu-" 
      "Alright! Shut up, for the... LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY!" Pimalygos jumped into the air. In the next second, his body fell down, aiming towards my spot upon the earth. I stood calmly, merely raising my arm up at him. My hand opening, the palm revealed, a series of vines jutted out into the air. The vines, their snake-like bodies covered in thorns, wrapped all around Pimalygos. "Wh- AGH! I... can't... move." 
      "Yes. You're constricted! My thorny vines are slowly digging into your skin." 
      "Wh- No. Quilke promised... more power than the Lord himself!" Pimalygos screeched as his stony face cracked, vegetation tearing into the sinew of his cheeks. 
      "Hm. You can't have any more power than me. Whatever this man promised you... was empty. It was not backed... by real concrete passion. For if he ever crossed my path enough... he'd tell you that no vampyre parallels me. And that... was the power of Spring. You understand, don't you? Lords of Polidoria have power over the seasons. My favorite season to master has been Winter. I tore off Eris Bathory's leg with my affinity for ice. However, I used to dabble in using other energies towards. The elements, rather. 'Seasons' is a silly simile." 
      "Ugh. You- Yes! You've mastered the element of Ice, but you even know the element of Earth." Pimalygos put his hand out to me, his stone body cracking away slowly. "You know... Earth." 
      "Hm. The four elements of civilization. Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. I have just demolished you with the power... of Earth. Eat dirt, you wretched piece of shit." 
      "N- No. It... can't end this way! I... can't die." 
      I giggled, thorn-covered vines hissing around my legs. "And why is that? You were so fine with death, when you brought it upon Daniel Smithwell." 
      Pimalygos bled from his ears. "I... can't die! Lord Quilke. LORD QUILKE, SAVE ME!" 
      "Tsk. Your lord is a false idol, as the starving Christians would say." 
      "No! I'm... a... noble... Gulnaya Vampyre... from the Sacred Kingdom... of Polidoria! I... don't... wanna die here! NOT LIKE THIS!" Pimalygos crawled to me, his hands gripping at the ground as thorns plunged deeper into his stony body. His arms crumbled slowly before him, the fingers ripping and bursting apart into tiny, stony debris. 
      "Pffft. Believe me, I'm just as unimpressed. I was going to thrust all of weight into you until you bled all over the place... but you just had to fall here. You, oh mighty Pimalygos, had to turn into a giant hunk of stone. How pathetic." 
       "P- P- Pathetic?" The stone-man began to cry, tears punching their way down the rocky face. 
       I crossed my arms, stepping on his hands. "I didn't stutter." 
       "Please. PLEASE! Lord, have mercy. HAVE MERCY!" 
       "You... have to understand, right, that you begging for mercy only when you're losing just does not look genuine." 
       "Lord Gwyllomay Polidori of Polidoria... please. Please! LET ME LIVE! I... was... wrong. I was wrong to join Quilke." 
       "Hm. You see the error of your ways now?" I narrowed my eyes, leaning against the wind of the night. 
       "Please! I... screwed up." Pimalygos coughed, his rocky body falling apart. With each scream from his mouth, more of him would break down. "It... hurts. Quilke's elixir... hurts." 
      "Hm. If you were still in your human form, I'd make it hurt so much worse. Quilke is half the nightmare I can be." 
      General Brandon cleared his throat, coming over to stand above the dusty and dissipating Pimalygos. "Hold on. You said 'thrust your entire weight into him'? Were you... legitimately planning on fucking him to death?" 
       I rolled my eyes. "Well, I had a few things in mind." 
      Brandon shivered. "Right then. Just wondering!" 
      "Were you? Were you really just wondering, though?" 
       Brandon shuffled his feet awkwardly. "N- No. I guess I wasn't. I don't... really know what I'm doing right now, to be honest." 
       "Standing over my prey." 
       "Right. I guess I better move, huh?" 
       "Nah, I don't bite. And I like to share the spoils of my victories with my allies!" 
       "Oh, that's very thoughtful of you Gwyllo-" 
       "Get the fuck back over there with Grace, Daniel, and Elizara!" 
       "UNDERSTOOD, SIR!" 
       "Now..." I picked up a pile of dust, which had once been Pimalygos' right arm. "... truth be told, I never would've had much fun exploiting your vulnerabilities and fornicating with your weak mind. Pimalygos, you're one of my kind... and my kind don't taste that good. Even if I was attracted to your goofy, little, bespectacled face... I only eat human hearts." 
      "L- Lord, I'm... sorry." The voice of my former Gulnaya Dhuere agent sounded soft and resounded with a morose beat. "I... lost sight of what I once loved. All of my former friends. I... used to walk along the sides of the Dorian Clock-Tower with Benoch Bathory. Hmmm. I changed. My heart fell weak in the face of adversity. I... fell in love with all the women in the Gulnaya Guild. Hmhmhm! That's right." He rasped. "All of their beautiful faces, their beautiful bodies. I wanted to protect them. Protect my sisters! Though they weren't my actual sisters... and I wanted them. Each and every one of them. Call me sick, then. But these desires are true and real... or rather... were true and real... to me. And I never wanted anyone to die. But a few of them did. Killed by that murderous group, Temple! And so I... sold my heart on the idea that I could save the others... and bring oblivion to mankind. But my heart-- It turned black. It turned... to stone." 
       "Don't feel too bad. It didn't take much to kill you. Then again, this is coming from me. The founder of the settlement- One and only, Polidoria. You defiled the wishes of your King... and for that, I shall watch as you crumble to bits." 
       Pimalygos' lips crumbled, his eyes watering out onto his rock-textured face. "You're right, Lord. I guess this is... farewell." 
       Smoke pumbled the air. The nightly Earth meshed with the remains of a former vampyre. The dust smelled of horrors. Like a faint whimper, the last of Pimalygos drifted away into the air. The black hair, the red eyes, the childish smirk, the lanky body hidden under a series of shadowy cloaks... all gone. His rounded face and his tight accent? Gone... with the wind. 
       That dirty cackle he'd always produce, howling like a deserted hyena. The breathy procuring of his maniacal tone, rippling through the air the same way a captured serial-killer moans. His thickly groomed hair, falling down his face like a manipulative mushroom. Gone. 
      "Well..." I moved my eyes slowly over to Grace. "... it's time to leave." 
      Daniel jumped up upon the rectangular driveway. "No wait! You said we were gonna find Allison before we head to Polidoria. Didn't you?" 
      I clapped my hands together, the white sleeves of my blazer coming up over my wrists. "Correct-" 
      "Lord, one moment please." Elizara put a hand to her petite forehead, her eyes shining. 
      "Hm? Elizara?" 
      "This Allison girl, did she have unusually pink eyes and a freckled face?" 
      My gaze, pulled to the moon, went beady. "Yes, she indeed possessed those quality traits." 
      Elizara crossed her arms. Suddenly, she breathed out a pile of frost. Snowy air twinkled out around her lips, her nostrils flaring. She shivered, rubbing her shoulders beneath the dark coat she adorned. 
       "Allison... has been taken. To the Pillar Gardens." 
       Daniel stomped on the blacktop of the driveway. "Wh- What? Vampyres can apparently sense the energy of people now, too? Man, I've got a lot to learn about myself!" 
      "We certainly can do a lot of nuanced things. It's not that big of a deal." I shrug. 
      "It's incredibly a big deal!"
      "Not really-" 
      "Um? No." 
      "UGH! Yes. It Is." 
      "Nah, I don't see how." 
      "Don't 'hm' me! I've so much to learn!" 
      "Uh, sorry. I'll be sure to remember that for when we get around to it." 
      "Grrr. Rationally trying to make amends to me not liking your 'hm's. How simple!" 
      I crossed my arms. "My, my. It would seem my dear, little Daniel here has gotten... quite hangry. Oh, the angers which spurt out of hunger. They come forth, like a ravaging explosion of lust. Well, you'll learn in time Daniel... that a vampyre's full power gets unleashed this way."

      "Gwyllomay, no. A vampyre must eat to have their full power." Elizara cringed. "Unless you mean... Vampyric Rampage?"   
      My currant eyes washed over the trio in front of me. "Well, let's say our farewells to this house. We'll be in my kingdom for quite a while, visiting the Pillar Gardens. If we wish to get done what we wish to get done, that is. So, alas, farewell for the time being... Autumnia County."  


Repent: Gwyllomay of the Darkness (1.5) (MANUSCRIPT)Where stories live. Discover now