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Yoon Jeonghan was just about done with his friend's shit.

Every time he had gone on a date with his oh so lovely boyfriend, his friend would always find a way to ruin it. Whether it be calling him to tell him irrelevant facts, lying that he was sick or just showing up at the place where they would be. He would be there, there was absolutely no stopping him. Jeonghan and Jisoo had tried everything they could to avoid their friend. They would lie and say they were staying in, they would sometimes say Jisoo went to American to see his family again or they would even say that Jeonghan had fallen sick.

It seems mean and they knew that. But if you had a friend like him, you would probably do the same. They loved him to the moon and back, but he was a real pain in the ass sometimes (more than Jisoo could be to Jeonghan, if you get what I mean).

Jeonghan and Jisoo were currently out of town, trying everything to avoid their friend. They planned everything out perfectly so that he would have no way of finding them. Jisoo said he had to go to an interview in Japan and Jeonghan lied by saying he had to help Chan with a project. There was no way in hell that they were going to have yet another date ruined for themselves.

They were on the outskirts of Seoul, eating at quite a well known American restaurant (which was obviously suggested by Jisoo). It was fairly busy at the restaurant, making it difficult to find a parking spot. Every time they thought they were close to finding one, it turned out to just be a small car. Finally, they managed to get a parking space near the entrance and they made their way into the restaurant with their "fancy" clothes on.

The waiter had seated them at a table near the back of the restaurant. It was near the window and gave a perfect view of the lights outside. Jisoo pulled out Jeonghan's seat, being the gentleman he was, motioning for Jeonghan to sit down. Once he did, Jisoo tucked the chair back in and sat down opposite him. The waiter rolled his eyes at the sickeningly sweet couple and passed them their menus.

Jeonghan's eyes skimmed the page, looking for any meal that intrigued him. He noticed that it was all in English. What the fuck? They could've at least had a Korean translation underneath the name of the meal. Man, he really wished that he payed attention during his English classes. He tried sounding out the words in his head, but it all just looked like gibberish. It didn't help that there was no pictures next to the names to even show what the food was. How the hell was a Korean person suppose to read this if they weren't fluent in English?

He finally gave up on trying to work out what it said and instead resulted to the person in front of him. "Jisoo?" Jeonghan spoke up, looking at his brown haired boyfriend.

Jisoo looked up from the menu and looked at his boyfriend with slightly parted lips. Jeonghan thought he looked ethereal. He had lip gloss on and his brown hair was styled nicely to show off his forehead. It made Jeonghan feel all giddy inside when he would look at his boyfriend. "Yes, my love?" Jisoo sent a loving smile to the elder and placed his menu down on the table. Damn, he really could do a number on Jeonghan.

Jeonghan pointed at the meal on the menu, pointing to one of the food names that seemed the simplest to read."H-how do you say that?" He asked, causing Jisoo to chuckle.

"Steak and fries," He responded after squinted his eyes at the small cursive handwriting. "You try and say it! You're really good with English pronunciation," Jisoo encouraged his beautiful boyfriend.

"Steak and fries?" He tried out, unsure on whether or not he pronounced the letters correctly. Jisoo clapped at Jeonghan and they both giggled. "What is it?" He asked and stared at the name, repeating the name over and over again to try and remember it.

"Steak and chips," Jisoo translated from English to Korean for him. Jeonghan slowly nodded and continued looking at the menu, not bothering to let Jisoo know that he still couldn't read the rest of the menu.

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