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Soonyoung shuffled over towards the door. Jihoon was currently banging his fast onto it very loudly and it didn't seem like he was stopping anytime soon.

The orange haired male had red and puffy eyes, a runny nose which had turned red from how much he was rubbing it and his cheeks were red. He had his bed's blanket wrapped around him, making him seem like a massive burrito.

He opened the door and Jihoon's fist was still in the air, as if he were still knocking on the door. Soonyoung laughed slightly at the boy and cleared his throat.

"You know, you didn't have to come here." Soonyoung nuzzled the side of his face into his big, thick and fluffy blanket. Jihoon shook his head.

"I'll do whatever I want, and what I want is to look after you." Jihoon said, moved past Soonyoung and straight into his apartment. He walked into his kitchen and started searching through the cupboards.

"Um..." Soonyoung started. "What're you doing?"

"I'm making you some nice food."

Soonyoung rolled his eyes. "I know how to make nice food."

Jihoon raised his eyebrow and averted his eyes over towards the living room. "Say that to all those empty takeaway bags and boxes."

The older of the two walked into the kitchen after throwing his blanket on the sofa. He went looking for the knifes before asking "what're we making?"

Jihoon turned around sharply and furrowed his eyebrows. "We" He pointed between them both . "Aren't making anything, I'm making you food. Go sit down."

"But Jihoon-"

"But no. Go warm yourself up, I'll tell you when the food is done." Soonyoung only huffed in disappointment and marched back over to the sofa. Jihoon only laughed as he moved away.

Soonyoung threw himself down while groaning. He felt himself getting colder and colder, completely forgetting that he had left his blanket on the other sofa. He was about to get up and get it until he felt it be thrown over his body.

"Thanks." He mumbled and turned his head to face the television. Grabbing the remote, he went onto his planner and decided to put on some South Park.

It was the newest episode, season 21 and episode 1. He giggled as Cartman yelled at his amazon echo to add random things to his "shopping list".

"Wait you like South Park?" He heard the voice shouting from the kitchen.

"Yeah, duh! Who doesn't?" He responded, Soonyoung then heard Jihoon running into the living room and throwing himself on top of the older boys back.

Soonyoung groaned at the sudden weight on top of him and lifted his body, causing Jihoon to fall on the floor. He laughed loudly as the blonde fell on his butt and yelped.

Soonyoung moved his legs off of the one side, allowing Jihoon to sit next to him. He helped the boy up by grabbing his hand and Jihoon sat down right next to him.

"I thought you were making food?" Soonyoung asked while still giggling slightly from Jihoon previously falling.

"It's in the oven."

"What did you even make?"


Soonyoung sighed loudly. "We could've order it, you idiot."

"Yeah but it's nicer homemade. Especially by me. I learnt from the best, Mingyu." Jihoon stated proudly while keeping his eyes on the screen.

He nodded and they both continued watching the episode. Halfway through the episode, Soonyoung leaned his head against Jihoon's shoulder.

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