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"I was hoping you'd meet my family."

Soonyoung spat out his drink all over the counter top and started coughing loudly. Jihoon rushed over and patted him on the back, instantly regretting what he asked.

"What the fuck? Are you sure that's such a good idea?" Soonyoung asked in between his coughs as they started to die down.

"Now that I think about it, maybe not," He sighed loudly. "But they all want to meet you," Jihoon walked away from him and back towards the living room.

"But why?" Soonyoung said, confused.

Jihoon sent him a weird look. "Because we've been dating nearly five months and you still haven't met them?"

"What if they don't like me?"

"I wouldn't be surprised."

Soonyoung groaned and rubbed his hands up and down his face. "That's reassuring."

"Come here." Jihoon said and Soonyoung walked over towards him. Jihoon pulled him in for a kiss and pushed his body up against Soonyoung's, closing the gap between them. Soonyoung ran his hands all around Jihoon's body. Jihoon pulled away and watched as Soonyoung chased after his lips, wanting more.

"I kinda ask last minute because they're actually going to be here in five minutes." Jihoon laughed awkwardly. Soonyoung's eyes widened and he started running around, trying to clean the house. He grabbed the vacuum and practically threw it at Jihoon.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Soonyoung whined loudly from the kitchen. Jihoon rolled his eyes. "We need to make this place spotless."


A loud knock was heard on the door, Soonyoung squealed and quickly ran towards the door, waiting for Jihoon to appear next to his side. When he finally arrived, Soonyoung took a deep breath and started to count to ten. Sweat had started to form on his forehead and his hands were shaking. "Don't be such a baby." Jihoon mocked him from the time Soonyoung called the younger a baby.

Jihoon opened the door up wide as Soonyoung exhaled very loudly. In front of the couple were now Jihoon's parents and his cousin, Yoongi. "Jihoon! It's so good to see you again," His mother said excitedly and pulled him in for a hug. She kissed his cheek and Jihoon grimaced. "You must be Soonyoung, I'm Jihoon's mother. You can just call me Jul." She said softy.

"My name is Jin," (No not seokjin) Jihoon's father introduced himself and held out a hand for Soonyoung to shake. He was about to lift his own hand before Jihoon's mother attacked him with a hug. "Honey, please," Jin sighed loudly at his wife's behaviour.

"Mum." Jihoon whispered harshly. Yoongi, who was just rolling his eyes at the whole situation, finally came out from behind the two parents.

"My name is Yoongi, I'm Jihoon's cousin."

"I remember you performed with BTS! Your rapping was amazing." Soonyoung praises him.

"Ah thank you, Jihoon here told me you choreographed all of your dances and even made one of the songs." Yoongi said.

"Yeah I did!" Soonyoung replied sheepishly.

Jihoon started to turn red and got in-between the two. "Why don't we take this to the living room?" He chuckled awkwardly.


"You said your parents were going to hate me?!" Soonyoung confronted his boyfriend once Jihoon's family had left. So far, Soonyoung was quite confident with the fact that Jihoon's family might like him. Especially from how they were acting with him.

"Well I was joking," Jihoon grumbled, not bothering to turn to look at his smiling boyfriend. Jihoon switched between the channels on the TV, not really caring what was really on there.

Soonyoung walked over to him and sat down. "What's wrong, baby?" He asked softly. Soonyoung went to run his hand through Jihoon's hair, but the younger swatted his hand away. Soonyoung frowned. "Did I do something?"

Jihoon turned his head around sharply, giving a glare to his boyfriend. "Just the fact that you were talking to Yoongi the entire time." He replied with a certain tone in his voice.

It was jealously. It wasn't the first time Jihoon had been jealous (Soonyoung had even been jealous quite a lot. Not from lack of faith however, just how close they were with some other people). "Ji, no. I love you, only you. I was trying to get your family to like me," he explained and put his two fingers underneath Jihoon's chin.

"I love you too. But it's just, Yoongi seemed like he liked you a little too much," Jihoon sighed.

"Even if he did, you're the one for me," Then, Soonyoung started smirking. "I can't believe my baby boy was jealous~" Soonyoung teased him.

Jihoon started blushing madly as Soonyoung pushed him down to the sofa and started hovering over him. "Stop it! You don't even have a daddy kink." Jihoon scolded him.

"I'm trying it out but it's not working for me," Soonyoung shrugged. They both started laughing at the mood kill. "Baby just sounds better than babe, in my opinion."

"Babe is overused."

"I also like to call you mine." Soonyoung winked.


The rest of the night, they shared kisses while watching their favourite show, South Park. They were cuddle up on the sofa with a blanket draped over them and a box of pizza in their lap. "Jihoon?" Soonyoung called out.


"Maybe you should meet my family next."

(A/n) the chapters are getting shittier and shittier, I think I'll have this book come to an end soon.

It's nearing the time and I honestly think all of you will love the ending! It'll have a few chapters (I'm not spoiling it), but you can most likely guess what will happen.

Well anyway

Toodles my doods!
- Ellie

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