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"I'm gonna need you boys not to help Soonyoung today." Jeonghan shouted while he stepped inside of Junhui and Minghao's shared apartment.

"We can't do that, we need to get the dance completed." Junhui simply replied and carried on washing the dishes in the kitchen. Minghao was sat down on the sofa while eating his crisps.

"We've been putting it off for too long." Minghao added on, not bothering to look over at Jeonghan as he said so.

"Please? I'm having Jihoon go over there." Junhui dropped the plates, causing it to smash on the floor. Jeonghan flinched while the Chinese couple both stared at Jeonghan.

"What's in it for us?" Minghao asked raising his eyebrows

"Minghao!" Junhui shouted while running into the living room. "We have to do the dance! Don't let the devil tempt you." He wrapped his arms protectively around Minghao's neck.

"Oh come on! Guys, Jihoon knows how to dance. He can help Soonyoung." Jeonghan tried persuading them.

"As much as we want to..." Junhui pretended. "We actually want to do the dance."

"I'll pay for you guys to go on a date at any place you want." Jeonghan dully deadpanned.

"Great, we want the most expensive restaurant there is."

Soonyoung tapped his foot on the dance studios hard, wooden floor impatiently. He had been waiting thirty minutes for his two Chinese friends to show up. They had both said they would be there, he had no idea why they still weren't there.

Chan had even cancelled on him all because Seungcheol wanted to take the boy out on a date. That only put Soonyoung in a bad mood. Unfortunately, this was only making his mood decrease.

"I'm guessing they ditched on you?" A voice came from the entrance of the dance studio. Jihoon was stood their with his arms crossed over his chest and his bright red haired shining in the light. Soonyoung looked up and smiled, mood suddenly changing at seeing the younger boy.

"I'm guessing so." Soonyoung replied, throwing down his phone on the sofa with a huff. "What're you doing here?"

Jihoon strutted into the room until he was standing next to the black haired male. "I was putting some finishing touches on your song. What're you doing here?" The younger smiled, asking the same in return.

"Starting the dance for your song. Well, I was going to. Not so much now with Chan, Junhui and Minghao ditching me." Suddenly, a ping was heard from Soonyoung's phone. He looked over the sofa and hovered over his phone. It was a text message from Junhui saying they wouldn't be able to make it and that they were sorry. "Yep, definitely won't be doing it now."

Jihoon frowned. "What will you do now?"

"Either go home or stay here and clear my head. It's full of too many stupid thoughts lately." Soonyoung replied.

Jihoon thought for a moment, wondering what Soonyoung could do. "You know... I could stay here and help you with the dance? I'm not that bad at dancing." He suggested to the older.

"You don't have to. I can just make it without any help-"

"Nope, you're lucky I keep comfy clothes in my studio. I'll be back in five."

"Wait Jihoon-" Soonyoung called after him, but it was too late. The boy had already left. He sighed and walked over to his speaker. The boy plugged his phone in.

Soonyoung has already thought of multiple dances for the song. He grabbed his bag from the side and pulled out his notebook. The young boy had jotted down everything he had thought of, all that was on the pages was arrows, circles and footsteps. No one but Soonyoung would ever really understand them.

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