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Do you guys want me to do anything when I reach 2k? Like a face reveal, Q&A, extra chapters... y'all choose.

Soonyoung walked into the Leisure Centre and groaned loudly. "Oh shut up, it's just rollerskating for an hour." Seungcheol laughed at him.

Soonyoung stomped his foot down on the ground. "You could've invited anyone else in the world, but you invite me. Then you also invited all of our friends, including Jihoon. I can't face him!" Soonyoung yelled as he tried to run back out of the building and towards the nearest road so he could get himself ran over.

Seungcheol rolled his eyes at Soonyoung's childish act and grabbed him by the collar before he could run away. "You have to face him. Remember what I said." He said.

"That if we want to get over this awkwardness, we have to actually face each other." Soonyoung muttered under his breath.

"Exactly." Seungcheol smiled.

All that was going through the boys head right now was how awkward it would be.
The two boys hadn't even brought up the discussion of their kiss or talked about what they are exactly.

~ flashback ~

"Well, what a unique reaction." Bora laughed awkwardly as Soonyoung and Jihoon both separated from each other.

The host ran back out onto the stage and snatched the microphone from Bora. "Thank you all for showing up for this years competition. We hope to see you all again next year!" He ended the show and Bora motioned for them all to follow her backstage.

Jihoon shuffled away and Soonyoung stayed out on the stage, looking at where Jihoon was previously standing. Everyone in the audience started to walk away from the seats and making their way out of the building.

"So, finally had the guts, did ya?" Minghao placed his hand on Soonyoung's shoulder as he spoke up. "I didn't think you had it in you."

Soonyoung gulped and continued to stare at the space on the floor. "Neither did I." He gulped. "Jihoon told me to."

"Wait," Minghao started laughing loudly. "You only kissed because Jihoon told you to kiss him?"

Soonyoung nodded. "So technically Jihoon made the first move?"

"What? No! I kissed him." Soonyoung shouted in defence.

"But he told you to kiss him, you wouldn't have unless he told you." Minghao smirked as Soonyoung turned around to look at him now. "Come on, Bora is waiting for us." Minghao grabbed the older boy and dragged him off of the stage.

"Nice of you to join us." Seungcheol said sarcastically as the two boys came closer and closer.

"It's fine," Bora laughed and winked at Soonyoung, knowing the boy would get flustered from what had previously just happened. "First off, I want to say congratulations..."

Soonyoung had already stopped listening after Bora had winked at him, his face was now bright red and he was sweating nervously. His eyes wandered around his group of friends in search of Jihoon.

Soonyoung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when he noticed that the shorter boy was no where to be found. "Where's Jihoon?" He blurted out, accidentally interrupting Bora.

Jeonghan practically growled at the younger for being rude. "Soonyoung-"

"It's okay," She assured the boy. "Jihoon went to get water bottles for some people. He should be back any moment." Soonyoung nodded at her response as she continued to talk to the boys.

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