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SaY tHe NaMe

WE HIT 3K!!! Do y'all want anything else for having me hitting 3k?

Soonyoung yawned and outstretched his arms, unwrapping them from around Jihoon's small frame. Recently, all Jihoon had been doing was stay over at Soonyoung's place. They could practically live together at this point. Soonyoung wanted to ask, but with only four months into the relationship, he thought it would be too soon for Jihoon.

He walked downstairs after struggling to lift Jihoon's head off of his chest without waking the younger up. Soonyoung rubbed his eyes and nearly fell down the bottom steps before he  thankfully caught himself.

Soonyoung walked over towards the kitchen and sat down at the counter, wondering what he could do for Jihoon. Every month since they had gotten together, Soonyoung would try and do a big surprise for his boyfriend. Right now however, he was fresh out of ideas. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, anything he did think of just wasn't good enough.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Jihoon's soft voice sounded through the room. Soonyoung lifted his head and looked at his boyfriend on the stairs. Jihoon's hair was a mess, he had lines on his face (from awkward sleeping positions) and his pyjamas were too big for him, given the fact that they were actually Soonyoung's.

Jihoon walked towards him and nuzzled his face into Soonyoung's shoulder. The older knew how cuddly Jihoon was when he was woken up (and when they were on their own, not that the others needed to know). Soonyoung wrapped his arms around Jihoon's torso and pulled him in for a hug. "Nothing, just tired." He lied through his teeth, Soonyoung couldn't let Jihoon know what he was doing.

Jihoon quirked an eyebrow at the suspicious boy and decided it was best to ask about it later. "Can we stay in and just watch South Park again today?" Jihoon asked while giggling.

Soonyoung sighed. "I can't today, baby," Jihoon pulled away from the hug to frown at the taller boy. "Pledis want me to help them with a dance cover."

Jihoon walked away and sat down onto the sofa. "Fine," He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. "I think I can clearly see what's more important."

Soonyoung giggled and walked over to his boyfriend. "Ji~ don't be such a baby."

"I'm not being a baby!"

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"No you're not."

"Yes I- Hey!" Jihoon got up and started chasing Soonyoung around the room, he watched as his boyfriend practically slipped on the surfaces of the ground floor. After a few minutes, both of the boys gave up on what they were doing and opted to cuddle on the sofa instead.

"Do you have to go to Pledis? You're always there lately." Jihoon asked. "Please just stay." He pleaded.

"I wish I could, but if we ever want to debut, I gotta help them," Soonyoung explained and pecked Jihoon's lips quickly before going upstairs to get changed. "Will you be here when I get back?" He yelled from up the stairs.

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