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It was finally time for the competition. The thirteen boys had all practiced hard to improve their singing, rapping and dancing. They could finally say that they were ready.

They entered the stadium and saw some of the other groups preparing for their performance. Some were practicing while others where getting dressed. However the competition wasn't for another few hours.

"You excited?" Jihoon turned to him as they continued to walk straight towards the dressing room given to them.

Soonyoung nodded. "I am, but I'm more nervous than anything." He admitted and his hands started shaking. Soonyoung was thinking about everything that could go wrong. This ranging from missing a lyric to a light falling on his head. He really needed to learn how to be more optimistic.

"Don't be nervous." Jihoon stopped walking and made Soonyoung stop with him. They let everyone else now walk in front of them and They decided to stay there. "Look, we're gonna do good. I know how badly you want to win. Which is why you will win, because you're the most determined." He whispered so that no one around them could hear.

Jihoon grabbed Soonyoung's hand with his own and laced them together. Jihoon looked up at him and took in just his breath taking Soonyoung looked. He was wearing smokey eyed make-up and eyeliner to bring his eyes out more, his black hair was styled so it had a gap at the right side and his lips looked so full and red.

"We'll do good, especially you. No one wants to win as much as you do and you're the one who has worked the hardest for this." Jihoon began. "You deserve it the most."

"Jihoon, did you see them practicing out there! They're amazing! They've all worked so hard." Soonyoung shook his head as he spoke.

"Fuck how hard they've worked!" Jihoon cursed loudly, causing many people to turn and look at him. He simply flipped them off and continued to talk to Soonyoung. "We're gonna win. Now come on, let's go get ready to show them just who Seventeen really is." Jihoon encouraged.

"You know, I'm not the only one who's worked hard. You have as well, so has everyone else. But especially you." Soonyoung pointed at him then wrapped his arm around his waist, pulling him to walk to the dressing room.

"We've both worked hard."


"Our first group of the day is, BTS!" The host announced loudly into the microphone. Suddenly, seven boys came rushing out onto the stage and got into formation.

Suddenly the brown haired boy started whistling into is own microphone. The music started up and the boy with ash silver hair started singing while everyone else walked off to the sides.

"Fuck, they're good." Soonyoung muttered under his breath and started pulling at his perfectly styled hair.

"They are, but we're just as good." Jihoon crossed his arms over his chest.

"Hey Jihoon!" Mingyu called out from where he was standing. Jihoon turned to look at him and quirked his eyebrow. "That blue haired one looks like you!" He laughed loudly.

Jihoon visibly turned red and looked at the blue haired male. "Oh, It's Yoongi-hyung. I didn't even realise." He giggled.

"How do you know him?" Soonyoung questioned while sounding extremely jealous. Everyone around them laughed loudly.

"He's my cousin." Jihoon smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. Oh, how he loved teasing the older boy.

BTS had now finished performing and Jihoon have a thumbs up to his cousin on stage. Yoongi smiled and waved at him, mouthing a "good luck" in return.

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