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"So, when are you gonna ask Soonyoung out on a date?"

Jihoon spat his Coca-Cola all over his computer's screen as he heard the question come from Seungcheol. Currently, Jihoon, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Seungkwan, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Hansol, Jisoo and Seokmin were in his studio.

Soonyoung, Minghao, Junhui and Chan were all in the dance studio right beside it, preparing for their next competition.

"What do you mean?" Jihoon practically coughed out as he tried to quickly clean up the Cola that was everywhere. The boys were all busy laughing at him to worry about his expensive computer.

Jeonghan rolled his eyes. "Everyone knows you like him."

Seungkwan then butted in. "We can also feel the sexual tension between you two." Some of the boys started laughing even more at this statement. Jihoon's face went a deep red colour and he was about to bounce on him before someone entered the room.

He heard the door open and turned around to meet a batch of black hair and brown eyes. The boy practically jumped out of his seat when he could see the older of the two.

"Jihoonie!" Soonyoung shouted in glee. He wrapped his arms tightly around Jihoon's shoulders and nuzzled his face into his shoulder.

Everyone was watching them, Jihoon didn't want to show how he was with Soonyoung in front of so many people. He felt like pushing him away, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to do so.

Jihoon instead lifted his own arms up and place them onto Soonyoung the best he could. "I told you not to call me Jihoonie."

"But you call me Soonyoungie!"


Wonwoo bursted out laughing, which was followed by Mingyu and was then followed by everyone else in the room. Jihoon only then noticed that Junhui, Minghao and Chan were also in the room now, after following Soonyoung.

Soonyoung shook his head. "Anyway, why didn't you tell me your studio was here?" He asked while letting go of the younger and crossing his arms over his chest with a huff.

Jihoon tilted his head in confusion. "I thought you already knew? That's why I was here when you were dancing to Bang Bang Bang."

Soonyoung suddenly remembered seeing the short, blonde boys piercing gaze as he was dancing. "You should've told me, jackass."

Jihoon rolled his eyes. "I thought you would've figured it out! I mention my studio all the time and you've seen me come into this building plenty of times."

"Oh yeah, fuck." Soonyoung rubbed the back of his neck.

"How did you even know we were here then?" Jisoo spoke up from where he was. He was currently playing with Jeonghan's hair, still disappointed that he had cut his hair.

"We told him about you being here." Chan said and walked towards Seungcheol, who's arms were opened wide ready for his boyfriend.

"And Soonyoung keeps complaining about shit." Minghao said while Junhui snickered in response.

"I was not complaining!" Soonyoung said and stomped his foot. Hansol raised his eyebrow at the boy. Seokmin laughed and called him a baby.

"Why were you complaining?" Jihoon asked, Soonyoung immediately calmed down and sat on the floor with Minghao and Junhui.

"You know the competition coming up?" Everyone nodded in response. "Turns out the rest of my dance class don't want to do it or they're busy with family because it's near Christmas. We can't enter with 4 people." Soonyoung explained and groaned into his hands.

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