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"This is the stupidest idea I've ever heard of." Jihoon argues to Soonyoung, trying to deny the silly idea that him, Seungkwan and Seokmin thought of. Of course it was the trio that ended up thinking of it.

"Ji~" Soonyoung whined and hugged his shorter boyfriend from the side. "It'll be fun! Plus, we're all doing it. It's a day full of adventures." He tried to convince Jihoon, the younger boy wasn't exactly sure he wanted anything to do with it.

"What if PLEDIS hears about this?" Jihoon questioned and smirked, pushing Soonyoung off of him to show how serious he was about this.

"We've already told Bora what we would be doing." Soonyoung shot a smirk right back at him and placed his hands on his hips.

Jihoon sighed dramatically. "It's so much effort though. Plus, we're gonna get in trouble." Jihoon tried to reason.

"It'll make the adventure a lot more fun then, won't it."

The younger stayed silent and scoffed. "You really wanna do this, huh?"

Soonyoung nodded eagerly. "Of course I do. Now please? For me~" He sang and batted his eyelashes at Jihoon playfully.

"Only if you buy me whatever I want for the next week." Soonyoung raises his first in the air and started doing a little victory dance at his vigour. Jihoon laughed at his boyfriend and pulled his boyfriend in for a sweet, tender kiss.


"Welcome SEVENTEEN, and our lovely Hyuna, to our new monthly tradition, hide and seek in the shopping mall!" Seungkwan pretended to be a host as he introduced to the boys what they were doing. "It's just like normal hide and seek, except it's in a shopping mall."

The boys all started to giggle and Seungcheol decided to ask a question. "How much time do we get to hide?"

Seokmin decided to take over for the question.
"You get two minutes, which is why you've gotta go fast."

Soonyoung started mumbling the Sonic X theme song under his breath until Jihoon hit him on the arm. "Oh! I have a question! Pick me." Soonyoung shouted excitedly and raised his arm high up into the air. He started jumping up and down for Seungkwan or Seokmin to notice him. Jihoon couldn't help but smile.

"To the man at the back." Seungkwan said dramatically while outstretching his arm.

Soonyoung smiled smugly at his question being answered first (despite no one else actually having a question at the time). "Where do we go if we are caught?"

Jihoon turned around to him with a smirk. "We won't need to know, me and you are gonna win." Soonyoung high fives his boyfriend.

The eleven other boys and Hyuna collectively groaned. Every time they would play any game with the couple, Soonyoung and Jihoon would always try their best to win. Somehow, they would always succeed in doing so. Most of them were sure that they cheated in every game.

"No, you will need to know the place because this time, you two are going down." Jeonghan hollered, with all of the boys 'ooo'ing behind him.

"Whatever, I'd like to see you try. Tell us the meeting point." Jihoon grumbled, ready to take all of them on.

"It's at the fountain. If the seekers give up, send a message to our group chat and tell us so we can all make our way to the fountain. You two," Seungkwan pointed his fingers at Wonwoo and Mingyu. "You're it, start counting." Seungkwan quickly grabbed Hansol's hand and started running away.

Soonyoung and Jihoon were quick to react and started sprinting in another direction once Wonwoo and Mingyu closed their eyes with a huff. They ran off laughing after Soonyoung nearly tripped over his own feet, Jihoon of course had helped him just by dragging him back up to run.

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