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Callmesoon: I'm gonna kms again guys

Satanhoon: literally me

Minghoe: relatable

Emowoo: same

Divakwan: mood

Greasyjun: that's me????

Maknaeontop: mEEEeeeEeE

Handsoap: mememememememememememe

Donkeykong: y'all saME

Nastygyu: that's mEEEEEEEEEEEE

Donkeykong: cAlM

Nastygyu: I'm great

Seungdaddy: why are you all so extra smh

1004angel: I didn't raise depressed children guys

Seungdaddy: lmao I did

1004angel: stop encouraging them to want to die

Hooongkooon: you're all so annoying sometimes, the notifications always blow my phone up

Callmesoon: gUyS nO iM sErIoUs

Satanhoon: wait what's happened??

Callmesoon: I'm like low-key ill

Callmesoon: scratch that

Callmesoon: HiGh KeY iLl

Satanhoon: fuckfuckfuck I'm leaving my studio

Satanhoon: what's you're address??

Emowoo: what's you are address

Satanhoon: no time for spelling

Minghoe: y'all this Soonhoon-

Seungdaddy: slurps air violently

Nastygyu: why-

Divakwan: and you call us extra-

Greasyjun: I can't breathe-

Maknaeontop: jUsT fUcK

Seungdaddy: I aGrEe

1004angel: his knight in shining armour is there to save him all the time it seems

Satanhoon: fucku


Satanhoon: tell me the address, I'm about to leave

Callmesoon: *insert long ass creative address*

Divakwan: soonyoung that doesn't work you have to actually say the address

Donkeykong: sigh

Maknaeontop: lol

Emowoo: dumbass bitch

Minghoe: I always find soonyoung being stupid so funny

Satanhoon: please? I just wanna see you

Callmesoon: I-

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