2.8K 104 139

Thank you all once again for 3k! This is your "gift" because unfortunately there's not a lot I can do for you guys :(

Okay so I thought I might as well do one of these while I'm busy trying to write the next chapter! Which thank you to yoongibbs  for the idea. Just comment next to the name you have a question for!

Well anyway, ask away.

Choi Seungcheol / Seungdaddy

Yoon Jeonghan / 1004angel

Hong Jisoo / Hooongkooong

Wen Junhui / Greasyjun

Kwon Soonyoung / Callmesoon

Jeon Wonwoo / Emowoo

Lee Jihoon / Satanhoon

Lee Seokmin / Donkeykong

Kim Mingyu / Nastygyu

Xu Minghao / Minghoe

Boo Seungkwan / Divakwan

Choi Hansol / Handsoap

Lee Chan / Maknaeontop

Author! (You don't have to ask, I just put it here just in case you wanted to.)

Others (state the person you wanna ask)

Well anyway

Toodles my doods!
- Ellie

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