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5k... at this point, I've given up asking y'all if you want something cause no one ever replies

Also , Jihoon and Soonyoung were both 19 (all of them were) when I started this story. Last chapter they were 22. This is fast forward to five years later so they are now 27. Jinwoo was nine when they adopted him because I can't find his original age anywhere so o o p s .


Jihoon watch as Jinwoo ran around the back garden, giggling as the no longer small dog chased after him. His two babies were no longer little, Jinwoo was now fourteen years old while Bobby was five.

He took a long sip of his drink and continued to watch his son jumping from place to place. He sighed loudly and swirled the liquid in his drink around, he missed Soonyoung. Recently, he had barely seen his lover, Soonyoung was to preoccupied with preparing his dance class for the upcoming competition. Jihoon understood that he was going to be busy, but it had been over a week since they last had a proper conversation. Every night, Soonyoung would show up just when Jihoon would fall asleep and would leave before the younger could even wake up.

Sometimes he would let his mind make up crazy scenarios. He would imagine that Soonyoung was being forced not to talk to Jihoon in order to keep his family alive, Soonyoung would be cheating on Jihoon or Soonyoung was growing tired of him. As much as he didn't want to believe his mind with these situations, it was becoming a lot harder not to.

Jihoon had also dreamt of the day that Soonyoung would grow tired of him, instead finding an interest in a young and beautiful super model. He knew Soonyoung never would, he always made a promise not to! But for some reason, the little voice inside of Jihoon's head was started to convince him otherwise.

He spoke to his friends about it, they all had assured him that it was nothing to worry about and that Soonyoung was truly teaching the dance class and preparing them. If that were true, why wasn't Soonyoung there when Jihoon went to visit him? Jeonghan had suggested a solution, but he wasn't so sure that he wanted to go through with it, not knowing if he was ready.

It angered him so much to think about it, that he accidentally shattered the glass in his hand. He hissed at the pain from the cuts which were now pouring out blood. Jihoon rushed to the kitchen before Jinwoo could notice and ran straight to the sink. He slowly pulled the glass out gently, trying not to make the cut any deeper than it already was. Jihoon was so focused on getting it out, that he didn't notice Jinwoo walk into the kitchen.

Jinwoo watched as his dad tried to pull the glass out and sighed. He walked over to him and gently grabbed his hand, deciding to help him. "How did you know?" Jihoon mumbled.

Jinwoo chuckled, "you act as though I wouldn't hear the glass shattering." He responded and took the last piece of glass out, then stool his father's hand under the tap. "Is this about dad?"

Jihoon rolled his tongue against his cheek and turned his head away, resting it on the palm of his hand. Jinwoo shook his head and chuckled. "It's nothing serious, I'm sure he's just really busy preparing for the group. Isn't the price to be part of JYP?" Jihoon nodded. "Exactly, dad needs to help them."

"If your dad needs to help them, then why hasn't he been at the practices every time I go to see him?" Jihoon responded bluntly, immediately feeling bad for the way he was snapping at his son. "I'm sorry, Jinwoo. This whole thing has got my mind running laps."

Jinwoo grabbed a bandage and some anti-bacterial spray from the draw. He sprayed some on Jihoon's hand and started wrapping the bandage around Jihoon's hand. "He's not cheating on you."

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