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Soonyoung rushed around his house, trying to find the perfect outfit to wear. He was currently screaming as loud as he could. Minghao, Junhui, Jeonghan and Chan were all in his living room laughing at the boy.

"Soonyoung it's not that serious! You're just helping him write the songs." Chan rolled his eyes and flopped down onto the sofa.

"What Chan said, it's no big deal." Jeonghan added on.

The black haired male stopped in his tracks, turned to look at the four boys in his living room with his eyes wide and teeth clenched together. All the boys flinched at the look, even Minghao gave a little squeak.

"No big deal?! This is such a big deal! Jihoon could've asked anyone else but he asked me. I need to look good for this." Soonyoung replied. He turned to the mirror and started trying to fix his hair up.

"Soonyoung please, you could look homeless and Jihoon wouldn't mind." Junhui rolled his eyes whilst playing with his boyfriend's hair.

Chan looked up to see the elder taking off a sweater and quickly throwing on another one. Not liking the way that one looked, he threw that one off and pulled on another. He laughed loudly. "Hyung, Jihoon basically lives in that studio. It's going to be a mess, it'll stink, pizza boxes everywhere and he'll be wearing clothes from a few days ago. He wouldn't have showered for days nor slept for like a week. If anyone has to worry what he looks like, it's Jihoon."

Minghao nodded. "He's right."

"Fuck off Minghao, you didn't even know Jihoon before I saw him." Soonyoung retorted.

"I've known him about a month now, it's long enough."

"Whatever." Soonyoung said then ran off to his room. Jeonghan sighed, he got up and follows the boy.

Soonyoung rushed into his room and started looking through his wardrobe frantically. Jeonghan came up behind him and tapped his shoulder. "Please dear god, let me choose your outfit, if it worries you that much."

The older boy pushed him out of the way and Soonyoung ended up tumbling down onto his bed. "Uncalled for."

Jeonghan shrugged. "Would you have moved?" Soonyoung stayed silent and made himself comfortable on the bed. "Exactly. Jun! Minghao! Chan! All of you get up here." The eldest out of the five yelled.

The other three came running up the stairs and straight into Soonyoung's bedroom. Minghao grimaced at the mess in his room. "What is it?" Junhui asked while yawning.

"I need you guys to do Soonyoung's make up. We need to make him at least a little presentable." Jeonghan ordered the three boys.

"I ain't doing it. You two can." Chan said and sat down next to Soonyoung on the bed.

Junhui rolled his eyes. "What exactly are you doing then, hyung?"

"I'm finding him some clothes. Fucking hell Soonyoung, all you have is literal clothes."

"Hey! They're good quality." Soonyoung pouted and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Not good for saying 'hey I want you to fuck me until I can't walk.' We need something better." Jeonghan continued looking . "Chan you can do his hair then."

Soonyoung quickly became red. "For your information, I would be the top."

The purple haired elder rolled his eyes. "Trust me, you're a bottom."

Minghao applied a bit of foundation onto Soonyoung's face with a sponge. He turned to look at Jeonghan. "You're in a room full of three top Soonyoung supporters. " he pointed out. Jeonghan shifted uncomfortably.

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